
These exercises are excellent workouts that strengthen your muscles, increase bone density, and support your spine.

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The season is changing and it may represent a good time for you to renew your commitment to improving your health. What better way than a vegan diet and some simple exercises. Today, I have an exercise tip to keep your spine young and healthy.

According to author Dr. Michael Mosely, who is a diet and well-being expert, simple press-ups and squats are not only beneficial to your muscles, but also to your brain since they increase oxygen flow to this important organ. To perform the simplified version of press-ups, just put your hands down on the ground, one on each side of your shoulders with your knees comfortably spaced apart. Take a breath in as you gradually bend your elbows to drop your chest towards the floor. Make sure to maintain contraction of your core muscles while you’re doing this. Then exhale when you are pushing yourself up from the floor to get back to your initial position.

Squats, when done properly, help prevent back pain and are great for strengthening major lower body muscle groups. To perform a squat correctly, you need to begin with your feet positioned shoulder width apart, with all surfaces of your feet planted on the ground and toes pointing forward with knees bent slightly. You should tighten your core muscles and breathe in through your nose as you lower your body and sink into a chair position. Be sure to keep your head facing forward and your shoulders down. Attempt a 90-degree bend at your knees while maintaining a straight back. Go lower if you can. Lastly, squeeze your buttock muscles, exhale, and lift yourself to stand up.

These exercises are excellent workouts that strengthen your muscles, increase bone density, and support your spine. You can also do a spinal twist stretch to relax your back muscles in the mornings prior to beginning your day. Your body will feel limber and your spine youthful!