
Selections from Zoroastrianism’s Vendidad: Fargard 2, Part 1 of 2

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Zoroaster was a vegetarian and out of respect for all life, He forbade animal sacrifice. He also prophesied an ultimate Savior of the world who would come at a future time to restore a Heavenly existence on Earth. The concepts presented in Zoroaster’s teachings, such as the belief in one God, are thought to have influenced Greek philosophy as well as religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Vendidad, is part of the Avesta, the collection of sacred religious texts of Zoroastrianism.

Today, it is a pleasure to share selections from Fargard 2 of the Vendidad, which details Yima, the first man, the first King and the founder of civilization.

Vendidad Fargard 2 Yima Section 1

“Zarathustra asked Ahura Mazda: ‘O Ahura Mazda, most beneficent Spirit, Maker of the material world, Thou Holy One! Who was the first mortal, before myself, Zarathustra, with whom Thou, Ahura Mazda, did converse, whom Thou did teach the law of Ahura, the law of Zarathustra?’ Ahura Mazda answered: ‘The fair Yima, […] O holy Zarathustra! he was the first mortal, before Thee, Zarathustra, with whom I, Ahura Mazda, did converse, whom I taught the law of Ahura, the law of Zarathustra. Unto him, O Zarathustra, I, Ahura Mazda, spoke, saying: “Well, fair Yima, son of Vîvanghat, be thou the preacher and the bearer of my law!” And the fair Yima, O Zarathustra, replied unto me, saying: “I was not born, I was not taught to be the preacher and the bearer of thy law.” Then I, Ahura Mazda, said thus unto him, O Zarathustra: “Since thou want not to be the preacher and the bearer of my law, then make thou my worlds thrive, make my worlds increase: undertake thou to nourish, to rule, and to watch over my world.” And the fair Yima replied unto me, O Zarathustra, saying: “Yes! I will make Thy worlds thrive, I will make Thy worlds increase. Yes! I will nourish, and rule, and watch over Thy world. There shall be, while I am king, neither cold wind nor hot wind, neither disease nor death.” Then I, Ahura Mazda, brought two implements unto him: a golden ring and a poniard inlaid with gold. Behold, here Yima bears the royal sway! […]’”
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