
Spiritual Strength in Crisis Through Interfaith Unity, Part 12 of 12

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Mr. Thomas: Very soon I now I’ll get word to Your people that I will be doing a very special ceremony for Master and all of you that walk and honor Her. And I’m going to say this now that I will dedicate this ceremony that I will do to Her and Her walk. But not only that, but from whence She comes, to the people of Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and the people of the Eastern, the Dragon peoples. All of them will be inclusive in this Inípi Way.

And I hope and pray that this will make a resounding bell ring of peace that will strike the times. Because truly it’s the thunder voices that will carry the message. I can only do my part in the most sacred way I know. (Thank you.) So, our love and our hearts are with all of you. You’re very, very special. Grandfather (God) doesn’t make mistakes. (Thank you.)

Master: That’s very, very special. The (American) Indian people, they have preserved this kind of sacred knowledge since thousands of years. And they pass it on one generation after another. And it’s never diluted or polluted by the civilization, so-called civilization that we have now. So, their tradition is one of the oldest, the most preserved. (Purest.) Purest, yes, that’s what I mean. (Most sacred.) Most sacred.

And I’m very happy to get to know the Chief. […] It’s very difficult to know the real one. How would I get to know him, if it hadn’t been for yesterday? (No.) Of course, that is a Grand Spirit’s arrangement. (Yes.) But how would you know him? (No.) Even you know thousands of (American) Indians or one, two million of (American) Indians, you don’t get to know the real one. (That was his big smoke signal that he sent You.) (Oh.) (Big one.) Yes. (I probably wouldn’t take the blame for that one.) (No, we won’t make you take the blame for that.) (Nor the credit.) So, that you have taken time to come with us and to bless the people in this land. It’s very good of you. […]

So, Eagle, this is for you. (For me?) Yes, it’s a lamp that I measured and designed myself and made by hand. Not that I made it, but I designed it, and I tell people how to make it, tell my disciples to make it. All the monks made it. Monks and nuns. (Very special.) Yes. You want to open it, or you don’t? (Yes. Why not.) OK. (Let me share with others.) If you want to have one of these lamps you have to wait for many months or years sometimes because they are much in demand. It’s not something ordinary. […] And many more, but this is one of the kinds. […] You can plug it in, and immediately you have light. Simple enlightenment. For the (American) Indian race. Your Grandfather will know what it is. […] Every lamp has a special name. This lamp means “fulfilled.” Your heart’s desires will be fulfilled. […]

Photo Caption: So Delicate but So Beautiful as God Wants U 2 B!

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