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I am Alvin, a vegan chamois from the magnificent Swiss AIps. Our distinctive features are a whitish head, black markings below the eyes, and a pair of hooked horns. Originally, we chose the rocky and rugged mountains as our habitat to avoid predators. This also explains why chamois became fast runners and high jumpers. By nature, we have very good eyesight and a keen sense of smell. In the wild, we normally have a life expectancy of 15 to 17 years. Nowadays, we are threatened by other kinds of human activity, as well as the climate crisis. Please allow me to point out that the underlying problem we face is human greed. For example, even though certain chamois subspecies are protected under the European Habitat Directive, that doesn’t stop some individuals from hunting illegally. And even though the United Nations has called for an urgent reduction in meat consumption - to address both the climate crisis and human health problems - some people still deny the facts and continue to eat animals.