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On December 21, 2021, the Italian Senate voted to approve a budget law that prohibits the breeding, capturing, and killing of fur-bearing animal-persons including mink-, fox-, raccoon dog- and chinchilla- people. The budget amendment also requires all active fur production sites in the country to be closed by June 30, 2022.

The vote followed Italian Member of Parliament, the Honorable Michela Vittoria Brambilla’s endorsement of the fur operation conversion proposal presented by Humane Society International/Europe. It is a strategic solution to close and convert the facilities into humane and sustainable businesses, thus addressing animal-people cruelty and the risks of zoonotic diseases arising from the abysmal industry. Human Society International is a Shining World Compassion Award recipient and a Shining World Protection Award laureate. Italy is a Shining World Leadership Award for Public Health Protection recipient.

Bravo, Italian Senate, the Honorable Michela Vittoria Brambilla, and Human Society International/Europe. May all countries implement laws to safeguard every cherished individual from the animal kingdom, in Celestial benevolence.