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The Vegan Earth Day March, held annually on April 22, is an international grassroots day of action. “You may have heard the IPCC report; it has actually declared a final warning, very recently, where they mentioned that it's basically the final call.” “I’m Chelsea Davis, the co-founder of the International Vegan Earth Day March 2023 and we are here in Portland, Oregon for Vegan Earth Day.” “Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of our current climate and ecological crisis and it is time that we come together and demand that our governments around the world stop subsidizing, supporting and bailing out animal agriculture.” “The overall goal of the Plant Based Treaty is to see global transition to a plant-based food system, and we are going to be doing this by creating bottom-up pressure on national governments.”The Vegan Earth Day March demonstrators in multiple locations in Canada were strong and resolute in their messages, especially in support of the Plant Based Treaty. Rally co-organizer Margret Henderson says there is no better time to bring attention to this than on Earth Day. “If we transition to a plant-based food system, it would free up 75 percent of the land that could be rewilded, reforested.” In Berlin, Germany, the International Vegan Earth Day March 2023 campaigners held signs to convey the vegan message. In Busan, Korea, a lively group of demonstrators captured the attention of onlookers as they took to the streets with bright banners and an upbeat energy. “The Earth is burning. The vegan diet is the answer.” In Merida, Mexico, members of the public were encouraged to go vegan and were treated to some delicious vegan food and people kept visiting the stall even after sundown. In gaining coverage by the mainstream media, the important vegan message was shared far beyond the International Vegan Earth Day March 2023 demonstrations. We applaud everyone who has veganized their diet as a result of the Vegan Earth Day activities to date.