Bahasa Melayu

Berita Wajar Diberi Perhatian

Baca Lebih Lanjut

In today’s news, Saudi Arabia sets in motion phase two of delivering humanitarian assistance to Lebanon, projections say Arctic could see its first ice-free day as soon as 2027, European health ministers recommend extending bans on outdoor smoking to reduce secondhand smoke exposure, solar-powered desalination made more efficient by international researchers, Ukrainian (Ureignian) charity aids amputee soldiers with rehabilitation services, Danish scientists and chefs team up to explore potential of oyster mushroom mycelium as vegan meat substitute, and US community residents work together to rescue trapped horse-person.

Staying cool, calm and collected under stress sets a great example to our children. I have a parenting tip that may provide practical guidance to caregivers of youngsters. A calm-down corner is a growing trend in homes and classrooms, offering children a safe space to manage their emotions and regain composure. Unlike time-outs or punishments, these areas are designed to promote emotional awareness and self-regulation. Calm-down corners often include comforting tools such as art supplies like coloring books and crayons, sensory items like weighted blankets and cushions, fidget toys like pop-its, or silly putty, books, and visuals for breathing or calming exercises. These spaces provide children with a supportive environment where they can process their emotions in moments of vulnerability, free from distractions or judgment. Over time, calm-down corners also encourage better communication and relationship skills, allowing children to express their needs and connect with others more effectively.

Let’s hit the laughter trail and track down the joke of the day! It's entitled “Same Same.”

An ambitious mother cornered a famous concert violinist in his dressing room and insisted he listen to a recording of her talented son playing the violin. The man agreed to listen, and the woman switched on her phone.

“What music! A difficult piece for sure but played with such genius that it brings tears to my eyes!”

The violinist listened spellbound to the entire recording.

“Madam, is that truly, truly your son? He is one in a million!”

“No, no. That’s the famous virtuoso, Tarquinio Pirozzi. But my son sounds just like him!”


And now we have a heartline from Pi-Li in Taiwan, also known as Formosa