
Seeing Inner Workings of How Heaven Blesses Those with Pure Hearts Who Want to Do Good In the World

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And now we have a heartline from Jimena in Costa Rica:

Hallo, Beloved Master, Universal Savior, Almighty, and greetings to the Supreme Master Television team. While in meditation on the Quan Yin, I had an inner vision where I saw Master in a very white and bright place, full of Light. She looked beautiful, wonderfully Heavenly, and full of Light. 

Master wore a beautiful golden gown, really shiny, as well as Her headdress. Besides, She had some sort of moldable substance in Her hands, which was the same color as Her dress. Master was mixing this moldable substance with Her hands. Then, She threw it forward, and it returned back to Her hands. When Master was throwing this matter forward, this matter had the same shape as the clouds in Vincent van Gogh’s paintings. Master was devoted to doing this work with much Love and full of concentration on what She was doing. When She finished, Master made with this material a golden sphere. Then She touched with Her right hand an invisible little door at the level of Her face, which opened, and then Master put the sphere there. I saw many other golden spheres in that compartment.

While I watched this, I telepathically asked Beloved Master, “What is this precious and well-protected matter?” At that same moment, Master looked at me and telepathically replied that, though those had not been asked for, those were gifts, blessed gifts from Heaven, for the disciples who strived to do good things. 

Tears of gratitude flowed from my eyes that I could not contain, and I deeply thanked Master for all She does for us, Her disciples, that we could not even imagine. Master, thank You for inspiring us to always do good. Beloved Master, I do not know how to express my gratitude and love to You. There are no words that express my feelings for everything and for all. Thank You for Your infinite Love for all sentient beings on our exuberant Planet. Thank You for being with us on this Planet; I don’t know what would happen to us without You, Master. Without Your Presence, we would no longer exist. 

It is a blessed gift to be allowed to see this unique, Heavenly and private inner vision of Master. She is always caring for all of us, Her disciples. Thank You eternally, Master. Your disciple, Jimena from Costa Rica

Open-hearted Jimena, Thank you for sharing your illuminating inner vision which shows the generosity of our Beloved Master and all of Heaven. If we desire to do good, there is immense help available to us. May you and the nice people of Costa Rica do the Will of God in your daily lives, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master has some words of wisdom for you: “Receptive Jimena, thank you for being a good Quan Yin practitioner, thus Heavens rewarded you with a rare revelation! It is wonderful that you had the opportunity to see the inner workings of how Heaven blesses those with pure hearts who want to do good in the world. When we align ourselves with the Will of God in our thoughts, words, and deeds, many Blessings will come to us without our asking, for it is only then that we truly become instruments of the Divine. We will then be in the flow of the higher consciousness of life and naturally receive inspired ideas and the means to accomplish them. We are able to achieve so much more with God than if we tried to do things with our mind and personal will. May you and spectacular Costa Rica live forever in oneness with God. Love you always.”