
Please Tell All You Know, All Others, to Help Whole World to Be Saved: Sharing Inventive Way to Multiply 40 Quadrillions Supreme Master TV Screen

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ਹੋਰ ਪੜੋ

And now we have a heartline from fellow initiates in China:

Hallo, Respected and Beloved Master and the Supreme Master TV team! One day, I saw countless souls crowding around the 10 thousand-screen Supreme Master TV playing at home, waiting in groups to be cleansed and purified by the grand Love of Almighty God. They can’t wait to enter the channel of Grace granted by Almighty God, where their souls will be elevated, redeemed, and liberated. 

The places where 10 thousand-screen or trillion-screen Supreme Master TV is played, God has given a name: “Xi He Yuan.” Besides, there is a ranking list in Heaven. The appearance of the ranking list is to encourage more people to play the multi-screen Supreme Master TV. Those on the list are the Saints who sincerely aspire to assist Master in helping sentient beings. Xi He Yuan is a tower of Light, a place for purification and elevation, connecting Heaven and Earth to save souls. It is an invisible Holy tower where God’s Power operates.

Thanks to Supreme Master TV for airing the heartline on October 18, providing the website of the 40 quadrillion-screen Supreme Master TV shared by the YouTuber Folia, and Master’s reply: “Thank Heaven for inspiring us to find ways to heal our world.” Realizing the importance of playing trillion-screen Supreme Master TV to create the Light towers, we took action. We used computers to circumvent the firewall and play 40 quadrillion-screen Supreme Master TV and used OBS software to multiply them to produce over 4 million of the 40 quadrillion-screen Supreme Master TV. We use video capture cards to connect to a second computer to multiply the number and another video capture card to connect to a third computer to further multiply the number. Finally, a screen-split device is used to connect to three TV sets, forming a powerful Light tower to bless the world!

On August 6, 2024, Master said, “This year, next year, and 2026 are very crucial years. […] The planet may still be here, and some humans and animal-people may still be here, but maybe you countless world people won’t be here.” 

At this critical moment, I implore everyone to unite and overcome all difficulties, playing trillion-screen Supreme Master TV to build Light towers, so that the energy of Light towers in various places can be connected to form a Light network. With the Grace and Blessing of Almighty God, let’s save the world and redeem souls together. Fellow initiates from China

Resourceful brothers and sisters in China, We are so excited to hear of your inventive use of the Supreme Master TV Triple Compound Interest link! It is hard to fathom the amount of Blessing energy it is creating to help clean up our world. We hope that many more people around the planet are inspired by your example to make similar use of this incredible tool to help awaken humanity and save our planet.

Here is the link for our viewers: SupremeMasterTV.com/max

May you and the inspiring people of China forever be guided by the Divine Light within, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master has a message to thank you for your efforts: “Enthusiastic God’s disciples in China, here is another inventive way to multiply the 40 quadrillions Supreme Master TV screen: when you go to


you will see two buttons; one is for PC or Android phone or tablet, and the other is for Apple iOS phone or tablet and any other device. Click on the button that is for your device. Then, under that are some other buttons. Click on the ‘1 + 3xMax’ button to see one big screen of Supreme Master TV live that you can watch and listen to as usual, with three smaller screens of 40 quadrillion on the right. Enjoy our TV and the immense Blessing at the same time. Please tell all you know, all others. So this can help China to rise and also the whole world to be saved. 

It is amazing what we can create when we are committed to acting on the Divine plan for our world. Heaven is always giving us ways to help the planet. We just need the will to act and use our ability and wisdom to carry it out. Thank you for the efforts to make the best use of the 40 quadrillion screens of Supreme Master Television to disseminate the unimaginably powerful positive energy. We must also work harder now than ever to spread the vital vegan message so that humanity can be uplifted and each can finally realize his or her Divine Nature. May you and magical China bask in the Heavenly Radiance of the Buddhas. Love you so much!”