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The Third-Level Saints and Beyond, Part 3 of 5, Mar. 3, 2003, Florida, USA

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Any questions? It’s enough for you? Anything you want to ask? Comfortable here? Have a rest... (Very, very comfortable.) Have a rest. (Thanks, Master.) Take care of yourself, meditate, do what you want, read books, watch TV, watch videos. Anything, any questions? No? Cool. Cool.

I just hope that those of you who have not gone up understand, really, really understand what I’m talking about – about losing and winning, so you will not complain in the future. Even outside people don’t complain about their jobs. They work ten hours a day just to earn a little money, and sometimes get badly treated by a boss. They don’t complain that much. They just thank God every day for the bread on the table. Any complaint is bad. You’re not grateful for the opportunity to cleanse yourself and to repay your debt for the karma that you have incurred. Be grateful all the time, all the days of your life, all the time of your day. That’s how you should do. Just remember that. Be grateful, be humble, and want God. Only three things.

If you have no questions, I go. (Master, I have one question.) Sure. (If sometimes you do a type of work, then you encounter some people who are, for example, they are more stubborn, and you feel very difficult to work with them. And I tell myself I have to be patient, but it’s a little difficult if they interfere with some other people’s, the whole group’s work.) I know, I know. (How do we do to…) Well, just try your best. Just talk to that person alone, sweetly. Say, “I know you have good intentions. I know you have good intentions, but how about we try this way first? And if it doesn’t work, then we’ll try your way. Please, I know you try your best, but I think I see clearly. We do this way first. You have very good intentions. And even just a good intention already earns you a lot of merit.” (OK.) “And in any group, maybe it’s better with just one leader and two or three advisors. If there’re too many people with too many ideas, then we cannot go through.” Just tell him or her that. OK? (Yes. Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.

(And if we already hurt them by… because we’re not taking their ideas, do we have to do something to make up, to make them feel…) Yeah, make up, make up, yes. Just give them a small gift or something. Say, “The other day, because I also want to do Master’s work so much, and everybody agreed with that idea, so I might’ve hurt your feelings. I’m very sorry. Please forgive me.” Humility never hurts. If you think it’s your fault, then you say sorry. If it’s not your fault, forget it. But if you want him to feel better, give him a little gift or talk to him a little bit sweeter, but not too much, because he might misunderstand and think you have affection, and then you have more trouble. (OK.) Alright? (OK.)

Always keep your dignity and your distance from the opposite sex, because I told you, even if you are a Third(-Level) Saint, you don’t have karma anymore, but other people’s sexual power can also affect you. If you go too near, you can feel it. And then you might mistaken, you think, oh, it’s you, you fall in love with that guy or this girl. It’s not true. Half of the time, it’s not true. Half of the time, it’s other people who influence you, because maybe you have a connection in the last lifetime. Maybe you were husband and wife just recently, just the last life. So, he came back, he overpowers you because he’s a lower level. And he can pull you down like that, just temporarily, even temporarily. So be very careful. Keep your distance. Be nice. Keep your dignity. Friendship, but in the holy kind of business.

Because you’re only on the Third Level, you don’t have enough merit to carry everybody. If you’re higher, maybe. If you’re already on the Fifth Level, maybe you’ll be able to carry a few. Only… No, yeah! I’m telling you, they are very heavy! (Yes.) Only the Chosen Master can carry more. The Chosen One, because He/She will be more empowered; empowered from Heaven to make Him/Her more powerful to carry more people. But the “Not-Chosen Ones,” the Fifth Level Ones, can initiate people, can take people across, but not that many. Understand now?

Any more questions? (Yes.) Go ahead. (Yes, Master. In the book, Questions and Answers, volume 3, Master mentioned we develop in different ways. Some people develop their wisdom, and some people develop their… hear the [inner Heavenly] Sound, some people they develop in different ways.) Yeah, OK. (So, that means… I know this period of time I developed a lot of my wisdom. But so, according to the Questions and Answers in this part, I developed the wisdom, not only through the inner [Heavenly] Light and [inner Heavenly] Sound? That’s my question.) No, not only. Yes. Sometimes it goes directly. (Yes, thank You.)

Some people have more (inner) visions. Some people just have wisdom and less (inner) visions. It depends on your karma also, of course. It depends on the individual. Some people have much more karma, so the (inner) visions are less, or the (inner Heavenly) Sound is less or something, but still have wisdom of the level that they have attained. But because they make more karma every day or something, so they’re a little bit more blurred. That is one reason. Another reason, sometimes God doesn’t want you to see too much, because you will be too Homesick. You don’t want to live here anymore. You don’t want to do any work. (Thank You, Master.) You’re welcome.

There was an Indian Master last lifetime. Sometimes He was so sad, He was crying. A man. And a disciple asked Him, “What’s wrong, Master? What’s wrong? Why are You so sad?” He said, “It’s very sad to come back to this one after seeing that One.” Of course. Even the people who came just to the Astral World, the people who died and came back… Remember in the book, “Life After Life”? They just went for 20 minutes or half an hour or something, and then they saw the (inner Heavenly) Light and Heaven and all that, just in the Astral World, they came home and cried for weeks. They didn’t want to live anymore, not to talk about higher worlds.

Also, sometimes you’re not purified enough, even though you attained the Third Level, but you interact with people. Your gross karma. Your soul is up to the Third; your karma is still very gross and coarse. I told you already, don’t incur more karma. Even if you’re Third Level, you still suffer. Anything can make you suffer. The Fifth-Level Ones also suffer if They incur more karma. Of course, They are more inside of Their souls; They’re happier. But if, for example, if you beat somebody up, they’ll go beat you up. Both suffer. That has nothing to do with the level you attain. So, try to be more humble and calm, that’s it. By the way, when you go out to work for the Master or for the Truth, there are always a lot of obstacles. Even if you are free of karma, everybody else you work with is not free. And the people you are working for are not free of karma. That’s why it’s difficult.

Even the Fifth-Level Masters, They have difficulty. Not because They are difficult, but They have to work for the difficult people. They work for the karma-laden people. For example, I look clean and beautiful now. If I go outside and clean the garbage, clean the pavement or dig the grass, I’ll get dirty. Not because I’m born dirty or I’m already dirty, but the grass will make me dirty, the pavement will make me dirty, or the garbage can will make me dirty. It’s normal. But at least we can afford to clean. If you don’t dirty yourself too much, you go home and clean, with a few hours’ meditation – at least one hour of Quan Yin every day. Everybody, one hour of Quan Yin at least every day. And two, three hours of Quan Guang, of the (inner Heavenly) Light, one hour of (inner Heavenly) Sound every day at least, then you’ll be better. Clean off.

The Third Level means you don’t regress anymore. You don’t ever come back down again. That’s it. Because on the Second Level, you still can go back. Like you’re on top of the Second Level, but then you go half of the Second Level and then the bottom of the Second Level, and then you might go to the Astral World again. But the Third Level, no, never. You never go down again, just go up. Faster or slower, depends on you and the karma that you incur daily or come in contact with, but otherwise you never come down, never. That’s beautiful. That’s the first step to freedom. The shore of liberty. First step… (By Master’s Blessings.) First step into the free world.

Yes, I do bless you all the time. It’s just that you have to try yourself also. If the mother washes the kid, and the kid comes out rolling in the mud again and again and again, what’s the mother to do? Keep cleaning again and again, then the kid also gets angry, gets scrubbed and cold and doesn’t like water all day long. I can’t even clean all day long. Even if I want to clean, you will complain. “It’s too cold, too hurtful,” the skin’s sensitive, keep scrubbing all day... How can you bear it? So don’t be dirty too much.

Alright, any more questions then? No? (Sometimes we may be afraid to do the public work just because we may encounter this kind of situation that makes you angry or something, and make us too much karma, and cannot go up.) OK, then if you don’t want to, then you don’t go. It’s up to you. But if you sit at home all day peacefully, you also don’t go up either. That’s the thing, that’s the thing. Cooking is difficult, but if you don’t cook, you have no food. Cooking is hot – sweating, and chopping vegetables, and you have to go buy vegetables. First, you have to earn money. Everything is difficult, but if you don’t do all this, you don’t have food either. Or you go begging for food, then the food is not that good and it takes so long, sometimes you don’t have any. So we have no choice. Well, every time you get angry, just try to breathe in deeply, three, four to seven times, and then talk. Or say, “Just wait a minute.” Go in the bathroom, wash. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just wait, I have to go.” And then go in the bathroom, wash yourself, splash cold water. Recite the Five (Holy) Names, pray to Master, come out and talk again.

Photo Caption: Humble Few Millimeters Tall Moss, But for Many, a Safe Refuge Jungle!

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