Sharing Promotion of Veganism in Benin School, Which All University Staff and Students Appreciated
Every Time You Are Serving Multitude Through Various Good Works with Your Pure Intention, God Power Is Supporting You, Granting You More Spiritual Srength, Upliftment, and Love
We Are Happy to Be Alive at This Critical Time to Witness Unfoldment of Many Prophesies About Positive Transformation of World and Master’s Ultimate Victory over Dark Forces That Have Oppressed Humanity for Millennia
The Time Is Now for Humans to Make Choice that Determines Their Fate in Near Future: All Who Choose Wisely Will Be Saved, and Those Who Do Not Will Suffer Tremendously
Sharing Ethereal Inner Visions from Reciting Most Powerful Daily Prayer Every Day
Sharing Ethereal Inner Visions from Reciting Most Powerful Daily Prayer Every Day
2025-02-13 1289 Vistas
Siempre que hagamos cosas por los demás, debemos recordar al Altísimo, el Más Grande, y saber que no somos más que un instrumento de la Divinidad.
Nos encontramos en visiones internas y podemos hablar tal como lo hacemos en el plano físico.
Al recordar y seguir los principios fundamentales que la Maestra ha enseñado, permanecemos bajo las Bendiciones fuertes y protectoras de la Maestra.
Sharing Importance of Having Virtuous and Upright Leaders in the World to Set Example of Goodness and Purity
Sharing Spreading Vegan Solution to Our Planet’s Most Pressing Problems in COP29 Event to Avoid Imminent Pandemic and Future disasters
La herramienta de Supreme Master TV Max es un medio altamente efectivo para que los individuos bendigan el mundo y transformen la negatividad en la
Seeing Placing Pictures Reverently of Past and Present Venerated Enlightened Masters At Home Together with Playing Supreme Master TV Max will Create Incredible Energy for Our Home and Community
Si deseas recibir la iniciación, por favor solicítala en el centro más cercano a ti y hazte vegana ahora, ya que ese es uno de los requisitos para recibir la iniciación.
Sharing Vivid Inner Vision at Vegan Healing Week
Sharing Vivid Inner Vision at Vegan Healing Week
2025-02-02 1059 Vistas
Elon Musk es el Rey de la Riqueza y la Prosperidad del cuarto Cielo, contando hacia arriba desde el reino astral.
An Inner Vision About Wearing S.M. Celestial Jewelry “Bridge 2 Heavens”
An Inner Vision About Wearing S.M. Celestial Jewelry “Bridge 2 Heavens”
2025-01-31 1406 Vistas
Todo es alegría cuando personas afines se unen y utilizan los talentos que Dios les ha dado en beneficio de nuestro mundo.
The Story and Music of “Loving the Silent Tears” Uplift Consciousness of Audience and Invite Celestial Beings to Grace the Occasion