
Пророчество част 309 – Как да намерим Спасителя на нашето време? Следвайте благоприятните следи на Дракона

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“Going up to a round stone creek There is a holy birthplace at the other end of the village Look carefully again It seems that the King hasn’t yet been born If you don’t find it, you’ll come to Binh Gia (Peaceful home) The Saint has not yet been born, the Saint reports to the land of peace Look at the beautiful scenery The Left Dragon Dynasty had another siege On the right of the river there is a tiger In the front, Minh Duong (Bright place, auspicious place) is showing his face and ears In the distance I saw an elephant bowing its head, looking at a deep lake This is a sign that the Son of Heaven is coming to visit Symbolizes the Emperor’s longevity and long reign”

In the last episode, we learned the verses by the renowned 16th-century Aulacese (Vietnamese) administrator, poet and prophet, Trạng Trình Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, that foretold the rise of a Heavenly King at Bảo Giang, the Precious River. “At Bảo Giang, a Heavenly King rises up Peace attained without fighting wars.”

Then by referring to the prophetic poems written by the Reverend Hồng Tâm Trúc Lâm Nương (vegan), we learned that Bảo Giang is located in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), a land full of dragon myths and tales, and the birth year of the Heavenly King would be the Year of the Dragon. “The Divine path still awaits the chosen, The Enlightened King, His throne is reserved. Emerging in the Year of the Dragon, playing with mountains and rivers, Appearing in Vietnam, a good race of people.”

All these descriptions match our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) who descended into this world in 1952, the Year of the Dragon and in the Dragon country of Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) has the reputation of being a Dragon country not only because of her people’s legendary ancestral dragon lineage, but also because of her unusual geographic features that have significant spiritual implications. First of all, the shape of the land looks like a dragon. In fact, the country is often referred to as “The Land of the Ascending Dragon.” Almost the whole land consists of mountains and rivers. It also looks like the letter “S” with a hidden symbol. On several occasions, our Most Wise Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared Her insights on this subject with our Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association members (all vegans).

“You can see from the shape of the land that Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is very special. There is the ‘S’-shape just like in the Tao symbol. The symbol of Tao looks like this, with a ‘S’ inside, right? Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is the only country with this kind of shape! It is backed by the mountains and facing the sea. The mighty mountains and sea run alongside the country. Many saints and heroes come from this land because of the majestic and holy atmosphere. Age after age, many spiritual practitioners, heroes and philosophers have been born in that country, but the world does not know about this.

“Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a holy land. Many Buddhas have come down already. At least, there were ten Buddhas. Buddha of Tây An (vegan), Buddha Huỳnh Phú Sổ (vegan) or Buddha Nguyễn Thành Nam (vegan), Cao Đài Religion. Ngô Minh Chiêu (vegan), for example like that. And King Trần Nhân Tông (vegan), and Zen Master Vạn Hạnh (vegan), Huệ Năng (vegan). Lý Thánh Tông (vegetarian), too.”

“The land there is highly spiritual, very good. I had to be born in central Âu Lạc (Vietnam), where the spiritual energies of the whole country converge.”

Moreover, some skilled Feng Shui practitioners have seen that Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is blessed with an abundance of “dragon veins,” also known as “dragon-streams,” another sign that it is an auspicious place especially conducive for producing extraordinary individuals.

Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) was born in Đức phổ, Quảng Ngãi province, a central coastal area of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), where many rivers flow, including the Trà Khúc River, the Trà Bồng River and the Vế River. Several mountains have “Dragon” in their names, including Long Đầu (Head of Dragon), Long Phụng (Dragon and phoenix) and Long Cốt (Dragon Bones), so do many districts and villages.

In the following poem, Trạng Trình vividly described the surroundings of the birthplace of the Holy King as if recounting his own inner vision:

“Going up to a round stone creek There is a holy birthplace at the other end of the village Look carefully again It seems that the King hasn’t yet been born If you don’t find it, you’ll come to Binh Gia (Peaceful home) The Saint has not yet been born, the Saint reports to the land of peace Look at the beautiful scenery The Left Dragon Dynasty had another siege On the right of the river there is a tiger In the front, Minh Duong (Bright place, auspicious place) is showing his face and ears In the distance I saw an elephant bowing its head, looking at a deep lake This is a sign that the Son of Heaven is coming to visit Symbolizes the Emperor’s longevity and long reign”

The scenery of the Holy King’s birthplace Trạng Trình described in this poem closely matches that of Supreme Master Ching Hai. As seen in the seer’s vision, Master was born in a thatch hut, next to a beautiful clear river. Master “crossed” that river when She was a toddler, still could hardly walk, which caused panic as the parents saw Her already midway on a two-bamboo hanging bridge!! Master’s younger sister recalled this story for us, as told by her parents at Master’s small Ashram retreat with the working team, some years ago in Menton, France.

“(Because of the war, our family had to move up the mountain to live. My mother and sister went out to sell the vegetables that they grew in the garden in the mountain. Every morning at 1, 2 o’clock, meaning at midnight, they carried vegetables down from the mountain to sell. They always carried a bamboo bell and struck it to scare away the mountain animals such as tigers, panthers, or wild boars. On the way home, they continued to strike the bamboo bell ‘coc coc coc.’ My Sister (Master) was only two years old and She lay ... Hearing the sound of the bamboo bell, She knew that Mom was coming back. She was so happy that She crawled outside. At two years old, She couldn’t walk much, just toddling. She crawled over a bamboo bridge made of one bamboo tree. The bamboo tree was like this, about the size of my arm. Because in front of my house, there was a stream, a small stream ...) A river, not a stream. (My father was inside the house, unaware of it. When he ran outside to look for Her and didn’t see Her anywhere, he panicked. Then my mother screamed, ‘Oh, here She is. She is out here already!’ Later, everyone who heard this story got goose bumps. No one knew how She managed to crawl over that bridge.)”

Master remembers that Her mother always brought Her there to bathe Her on a high stone in the river. She remembers the water was so clear and so cool. This again is consistent with the “round stone creek” that the seer saw.

In front of the house Master was born, there is a mountain shaped like an elephant, in fact the locals call it Núi Voi (Elephant Mountain). Could this be the “elephant” that the prophet saw in the distance in his vision?

The phrase “Look carefully again It seems that the King hasn’t yet been born ” seems to refer to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unusual birth. Her Soul descended to the world two years after the birth of Her physical body, thus Master was not “born” at the time of labor.

Quảng Ngãi province historically has been known to have many “dragon-streams.” However, in the past such incredible luck and blessing attracted fear and jealousy from negative forces, who tried to suppress the country.

For example, according to ancient texts, around 618-907, a shaman and skilled Feng Shui practitioner named Cao Biền from the northern country saw that Âu Lạc (Vietnam) had many dragon-streams that could produce great rulers. Thus, he deemed Âu Lạc (Vietnam) a formidable threat to his own country. After reporting his finding to his King, he flew on a magic kite to locate those dragon-streams with the wicked intention of destroying them all. Using a special amulet, he managed to destroy the best dragon-stream he found near the Trà Khúc River (or Trà Giang) at the foot of Long Đầu (Dragon Head) mountain, in Quảng Ngãi province, among other important dragon-streams. However, in the end, he lamented, “The miraculous energy in Vietnam is unfathomable, when will this auspicious energy cease!”

Nevertheless, in recent history, because of negative interference of this sort, Âu Lạc (Vietnam) has suffered great calamities from wars, disasters, and oppression.

Supreme Master Ching Hai elaborated on the deeper spiritual reason behind the hardship experienced by the Aulacese (Vietnamese) people and why She had to be born in this country regardless.

“Why have we (Aulacese [Vietnamese]) had so many wars and disasters? It’s because the country is a spiritual land and many demonic forces wanted to occupy that place. They wanted to grab it and obstruct the development of the spiritual energy. Therefore, even though I was born in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), I still had to go abroad to develop. Even then, I had to be born in Âu Lạc (Vietnam)! […]

The land is very spiritual! It’s spiritual and auspicious. Additionally, I was born in the central region of Âu Lạc (Vietnam), attracting all the spiritual energy from the whole country. Then I went to other places to spread the Dharma.”

To regain the country’s luck and glory, Supreme Master Ching Hai encourages our Association members to use the ancient name Âu Lạc instead of Vietnam for the following reasons:

“The name ‘Âu Lạc’ has two meanings. Âu Lạc means ‘âu ca lạc nghiệp,’ which means prosperity and happiness. That is ‘âu ca lạc nghiệp.’ ‘Âu Lạc’ also means Âu Cơ and Lạc Long Quân who were our ancestors. So, the word Âu Lạc is very good. Very, very lucky. That word brings luck to the country.”

“Âu Lạc is an ideal name to remind us of our origin as descendants of the Dragon and the Fairy, not of just ordinary human beings. The Dragon and the Fairy are awesome beings. They can fly anywhere around the world and it is because they are used to flying. No one can hold them back. They can always slip out and start flying again. No one can hold back the Dragon and the Fairy at all, right? What heroic figures!”

Prophecies about the rise of a Great Sage, a Savior or a Holy Being in the East at the end times exist not just in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), but also in other parts of the world. And this Holy Being would travel to the West to bring His/Her Divine Light all over the world.

The renowned 16th-century French astrologer, physician, and seer Nostradamus wrote in Century II, Quatrain 29: “A man from the East will come out of his seat and will cross the Apennines to see Gaul (old name for France). He will cross through the sky, the seas, and snows, and will strike everyone with his rod.” (meaning awaken everyone with his wisdom)

According to the sacred book “Gyeogamyurok” by Nam Sa-go of Korea: “Do not ever doubt that the Heavenly Saint will descend from Heaven in the East. If the East fails to recognize the Holy Saint, He will come to be known through people in Western countries such as England and America.” (Chapter 43, Lyrics of Gyeog-am), “Gyeogamyurok” by Nam Sa-go, Korea

Based on “Legend of the Rainbow Warriors” by journalist, writer and healer Steven McFadden, the North American First-Nations-people also have a prophecy: “But then Light would come from the East, and the natives would begin to find their strength, their pride, and their wisdom.”

In the Holy Bible, Matthew 24:27, it’s written: “For as the lightning comes from the East and flashes to the West, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

This phrase foretells that the Son of Man, Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian) Himself, will appear in the East, and He will travel throughout the world to wake up the human race from our spiritual slumber with mighty power and illumination like a flash of lightning.

Thanks to the Grace of the Most High, we’re able to gather information through various resources today and piece together clues to identify Our Most Cherished Supreme Master Ching Hai as the prophesied Holy Saint, Great Sage, or Heavenly King from the East, born in the Year of the Dragon and in the Dragon country of Âu Lạc (Vietnam) and on the sacred mission of bringing peace on Earth. In the next episode, we’ll continue to learn more Aulacese (Vietnamese) prophecies related to our current period.

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