
Reciprocal Relationship with God: From “Divine Providence” by Emanuel Swedenborg (vegetarian), Part 2 of 2

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On today’s program, we will continue with selections from Chapter 5 of “Divine Providence” by Emanuel Swedenborg (vegetarian), which remind us that Divine Love and moral conduct are essential to achieve a true relationship with God.

DIVINE PROVIDENCE Observing the laws of Love your neighbor and Love for God

“In view of the fact that there is a conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord, there are two tables of the Law, one for the Lord and the other for man. So far as man as of himself keeps the laws of his table, the Lord enables him to observe the laws of the Lord’s table. […]

A man can love God when he abhors murder, adultery, theft and false witness, for then he turns his face away from the devil to the Lord; turning his face to the Lord he is given love and wisdom – these enter him by the face, and not by the back of the neck. As conjunction is accomplished only so, the two tables are called a covenant, and a covenant exists between two.”

DIVINE PROVIDENCE Reciprocal relationship with the Lord.

“[…] The Lord resides with men, whether evil or good, in these two faculties and conjoins Himself by them to every man. Hence an evil man as well as a good man can understand and has the will of good and the understanding of truth potentially – that he does not possess them actually is owing to abuse of those faculties. The Lord resides in those faculties in everyone by the influx of His will, namely, to be received by man and to have an abode with him, and to give him the felicities of eternal life; all this is of the Lord’s will, being of His Divine love.

It is this will of the Lord which causes what a man thinks, speaks, wills and does, to seem to be his own. That the influx of the Lord’s will effects this can be confirmed by much in the spiritual world. Sometimes the Lord fills an angel with His Divine so that the angel does not know but that he is the Lord. Thus, inspired were the angels who appeared to Abraham, Hagar, and Gideon, and who therefore spoke of themselves as Jehovah; of whom the Word tells. So also, one spirit may be filled by another so that he does not know but that he is the other; I have seen this often. In Heaven it is general knowledge that the Lord operates all things by willing, and that what He wills takes place.

From all this it is plain that it is by those two faculties that the Lord conjoins Himself to man and causes the man to be reciprocally conjoined. […] Without those two faculties man would not have immortality or eternal life. […]”
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