
Mehrteilige Reihe mit historischen Vorhersagen über unseren Planeten: Prophezeiungen für das Goldene Zeitalter, Teil 31 - Prophezeiung von Jean de Jérusalem

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The second and last part of Jean de Jérusale’s collection of revelations consists of 10 stanzas. They tell of a glorious time of peace and enlightenment. “I see and I know.” “I n the heart of the Year Thousand that come after Year Thousand, Man will no longer be the only ruler, for THE WOMAN WILL COME AND TAKE THE SCEPTER.” “SHE WILL BE THE GREAT MASTER OF THE FUTURE TIMES.” “AND THAT WHICH SHE THINKS, SHE WILL IMPOSE UPON MEN.” “SHE WILL SPREAD THE WARM SOFTNESS OF THE MOTHER AFTER THE DAY OF THE DEVIL.”
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Alle Teile (1/3)