
El Maravilloso Regalo de la Naturaleza: La Abuela Piña Nana, Revela la Dulce Misión, Parte 2 de 2 - Liberación de Animales con Fibra Mágica

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The legendary history of vegan leather made from our pineapple fibers began with a lady named Dr.Carmen Hijosa from the United Kingdom. She uses pineapple fibers to produce faux leather which were of great demand in the market,thus lliberating our animal friends from the leather industry. This amazing change began in the Philippines. Nowadays, pineapple fiber fabrics are not only regarded as the queen of Fillipino fabrics, but it is also being exported to various part of the world, especially to North America and Europe. Thanlks to the global consumers who choose environmentally- friendly products, the pineapple fiber fabric is becoming popular all over the world.