
Del Santo Tripitaka budista: Itivuttaka - El Grupo de los Unos y los Cuatro, parte 1 de 2

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“There is no evil that cannot be done by a person who deliberately lies, who transgresses in one thing, taking no account of the next world.” “For one who mindfully develops boundless loving-kindness seeing the destruction of clinging, the fetters (bonds) are worn away. If with an uncorrupted mind He pervades just one being with loving kindly thoughts, He makes some merit thereby. But a noble one produces an abundance of merit by having a compassionate mind towards all living beings. Those royal seers who conquered the earth crowded with beings went about performing sacrifices. But these do not share even a sixteenth part of a well cultivated mind of love, just as the entire starry host is dimmed by the moon’s radiance. One who does not kill nor cause others to kill, who does not conquer nor cause others to conquer, kindly towards all being —He has enmity for none. ”
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