
आगे आ रहा है शांतिपूर्ण आदर्शों को बनाए रखें ईश्वर के धर्म निर्देशों के अनुसरण के लिए- एक साक्षात्कार पादरी एटीएन्ने लोमबर्ड के साथ सात दिन अद्वेंटिस्ट रिफॉर्म मूवमेंट चर्च से-3 का भाग 1

और पढो
Pastor Etienne is the Director of the Media Department, and a Pastor, Evangelist and Secretary for the annual East Canadian Field Conference. After finishing his high school study, Pastor Etienne prayed to God for guidance, as he wanted his life to serve a noble purpose. God answered his prayer by showing his missionary path. Pastor Etienne was born a vegetarian, and switched to a vegan diet while his was receiving his clerical education in 2004.
और देखें
सभी भाग (1/3)