
A dzsainizmus szent Ácsáranga Szútrájából: I. könyv – 3. lecke, 'Forró és hideg' - 2/2 rész

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THIRD LESSON: ‘Knowing the connection of the world, carelessness is not for his benefit.’ ‘Look at the exterior world from analogy with thy own self; [then] thou wilt neither kill nor destroy living beings;’ ‘The gifted man, following the law, sees well his true interest.’ FOURTH LESSON: Faithful according to the commandment of the Tîrthakaras (founder of the Jain religion), wise, and understanding the world according to the commandment-such a man is without danger from anywhere. Therefore, a wise man should avoid wrath, pride, deceit, greed, love (attachment), hate, delusion, conception, birth, death, hell, animal existence, and pain.
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