Bahasa Indonesia

Sutra Surangama: Empat Instruksi yang Jelas dan Tak Dapat Diubah tentang Kemurnian – Menjauhkan Diri dari Mencuri dan Berbohong, Bagian ke-4 dari 7 Seri

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So, being a monk or nun also has a very good advantage; you train yourself in some discipline. It’s a very noble kind of lifestyle, very frugal, very humble,but high living, high thinking, high enlightenment. And now, even if these monks and nuns may not study with me or something, when I see monks and nuns outside, when I pass by in the airport or outside, I always make offering and always make obeisance to them, because I respect their ideal. Not their body, but their ideal, their goal, the noble aspiration, I respect that.
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