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Tinggalkan Kebiasaan, Jadilah Orang Suci Sejati - Bagian ke-2 dari 5 seri

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Enemies often come back together, so that they learn love. They learn to love each other. They had become enemies because they had no love. So, often, they come back as husband and wife, as lover, mother, son, sister, brother, to learn to love! Because family members, naturally you just love. And only love can solve the enmity of the past life. That’s why they often come back as family members or lovers. I suffer more than you do, believe it. Only, I don’t talk. Even if I talk, it’s never enough to describe it. I told you already. Mostly people who have bad karma, karmic relations together in their past lives, they come back together as family members or husband and wife, so they can bug each other. They can pay back and forth, until it’s done, then you go. There’s nothing you can do about it. But you can meditate harder, go higher. It’s quicker, you understand me? Yes. I’m just telling you some examples. Suppose I myself even, I myself, I have attendants and all that. Some of them, not all of them, some of them are not really good. Some of them have been really troubling me in the past lives, when I was also a Master. I have always been a Master if you want to know. And always, as a Master, you always have the Maya force using somebody to bother you. I’ve always been exposed by my own people, my employees, if I have business. I had businesses when I was in the past lives. I was a Master, but also I had businesses and all kinds of things. I can’t tell you all because it’s too long. So, it’s not just this planet; so many things. I’m just telling you. And some people have been used by the negative force to trouble me, life after life. Even the good people have been turning into bad. Not bad, but they made mistakes, so that I’ve been exposed to different, difficult situations, sometimes get killed, sometimes imprisoned, sometimes interrogated, sometimes beaten, all kinds of torturing, because of being a Master. Karma of disciples! All right. So, sometimes, these people, even the worst kind of people even came back here from different planets, not from this planet even. If the Maya cannot find anybody who has affinity with this planet in this life, he gets somebody else. Oh! Different planets, plenty! Employed them, immigrated them here, legal or illegal, it doesn’t matter. Come here to this planet, wait for me. Every corner, and then make trouble, every time, any given time. So, I say my life is always an emergency. And you don’t know the half of it. It doesn’t matter; that’s good for you. I don’t want you to know all these things, because it’s unbearable for you. So, even I myself have seen plenty of enemies. The one who looked very devoted to you, sometimes in your eyes, the one who is very helpful and all that - look like, but they have been my enemies in the past. I mean, they have been my enemies, not that I have been their enemy. Caused so much suffering, understand me? But still I have to love him, the worst person you have to love more, you have to love the most; it seems that way. But it doesn’t mean he is the most venerable or the most worthy person. Same, in your relationship, if you experience suffering with each other, whether mother and son, father and daughter, husband and wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, know that it is the karmic relation at work. It is karmic force at work, OK? Don’t blame each other. Nobody is bad, nobody is good. It’s just the karma. In my case, I haven’t done anything wrong, but being a Master is the “wrongest” job you can ever take. But it’s my job. I do it life after life. Sometimes, I take a long break. But I always do it. I’m going to take a very, very long break, maybe forever break. I can always delegate somebody, but sometimes, I do it myself. If you want to do a job the best, do it yourself. That’s what they say. So, I’m just saying, even then, I experience all these kinds of karmic relations that come back to me. But as I go higher, it can’t touch me much. Even though it is supposed to be suffering for a Master, as I go higher, it’s less trouble; same with you, same with you. If you meditate more, you go higher; the higher you go, the less suffering. Why? Just like you become richer. You borrow some money; you learn to be a doctor. You have to pay back. But once you become a doctor, you’re higher in your profession. You have more money and you pay the debt quicker and it’s gone. That’s it, the same! The karmic debt, you can pay with your spiritual merit. So, the higher you go, the better.
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