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Today, it is an honor to present selections from “The Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion” by Dr. S. A. Kapadia.GATHA HYMN“Who made the waters and the plants? Who to the wind has yoked on the storm-clouds, the swift and fleetest too? Who, O Great Creator! is the inspirer of the good thoughts within our souls?”“This I ask Thee, O Ahura! tell me aright that holy faith which is of all things best, and which, going on hand in hand with Thy people, shall further my lands in Asha, Thine Order, and, through the words of Âramaiti (our piety), shall render actions just. The prayers of mine understanding will seek for Thee, O Ahura! […]”THE CREED“I praise the well-thought, well-spoken, well-performed thoughts, words, and works. I lay hold on all good thoughts, words, and works. I abandon all evil thoughts, words, and works. I bring to you, O Amĕsha-çpĕntas, Praise and adoration, With thoughts, words, and works, with heavenly mind, the vital strength of my own body. …I drive away the Daêvas, I profess myself a Zarathrustrian, an expeller of the Daêvas, a follower of the teachings of Ahura. A hymn-singer of the Amĕsha-çpĕntas, a praiser of the Amĕsha-çpĕntas. To Ahura-Mazda, the good, endued with good wisdom, I offer all good.”GOD AS THE KING, THE LIFE, THE REWARDER“Praises, and songs, and adorations do we offer to Ahura-Mazda, and to Righteousness the Best; yea, we offer and we ascribe them, and proclaim them. And to Thy good kingdom, O Ahura-Mazda! may we attain forever, and a good King be Thou over us; and let each man of us, and so each woman, thus abide, O Thou most beneficent of beings, and for both the worlds! …So may Thou be to us our life, and our body’s vigor, O Thou most beneficent of beings, and that for both the worlds!Aye, let us win and conquer long life, O Ahura-Mazda! in Thy grace, and through Thy will may we be powerful. May Thou lay hold on us to help, and with salvation, O Thou most beneficent of beings! … What reward most meet for our deserving Thou have appointed for the souls, O Ahura-Mazda! of that do Thou bestow on us for this life, and for that of mind. Of that reward do Thou Thyself grant this advantage, that we may come under Thy protecting guardianship, and that of Righteousness for ever.”