Bahasa Melayu

The Possibilities of Time Travel, Part 2 of 2

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In Part 2, we will share first-hand accounts of time travelers who have visited the past and future, as well as interesting photos and videos that suggest time travel throughout history.

Mr. Basiago shares more about Nikola Tesla’s discoveries, which led to teleportation and time travel. “Tesla’s greatest contribution to applied science was the discovery of a form of energy that allows us to bend time-space to the point of opening tunnels up through which we can pass uninjured, across great distances.”

Some of the events Andrew Basiago witnessed during his time travel experiences to the past were dinosaurs in Sedona, Arizona, United States, the crucifixion of Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian), the signing of the US Constitution, a Civil War Battle, and the 1863 Gettysburg Address speech by the 16th United States President Abraham Lincoln. He even claims a photo captured at the Gettysburg Address shows him there!

Let’s look at other time travelers who claim to have traveled to the future and bring back evidence of what they have seen.

The TikTok channel @unicosobreviviente, which means “the only survivor,” displays videos taken by a man named Javier from Spain in the year 2027. The usually bustling city streets and buildings are shown to be completely deserted, warning that humanity will become extinct.

Another time traveler claims he has visited the year 6000 and provides hope that humanity not only survives these troubling times but thrives, thousands of years later. In 6000, he witnessed the public use of time travel technology, where anyone could go into the past to watch historical events as they unfolded. “For example, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, many other prominent events through our world’s history; we’ll be able to travel back in a way that we will not influence the actual events.” He claims that in the future, government officials will be replaced with artificial intelligence far superior to human decision-making and capable of predicting the future with one hundred percent accuracy.

Beyond the fascinating image of ten-year-old time traveler Andrew Basiago at the Gettysburg Address, are there other photographs or videos of supposed time travelers? Let’s take a look!
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