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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a system in place for the public to report animal-people companion food complaints. Each year, there are many recalls due to contamination and other reasons. Let us hear the professional opinions from some top vets around the world about a vegan diet for our four-legged family. “I now help over 2,000 owners who’ve transitioned their dogs from meat-based or from raw onto nutritionally complete plant-based diets. We’ve got dogs that suffered from such severe pain because they have intolerances to meat. Such severe IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Disease) and colitis and they are just changed!” “There are now well over 10 such peer-reviewed scientific studies including very large-scale studies for dogs and cats maintained on vegan diets long term. It’s clear that very large environmental benefits could be achieved by nutritionally sound vegan diets for dogs and cats as well as people. Pet guardians who care about the environment or their animal’s health and longevity should definitely consider the use of nutritionally sound vegan pet food.” “Dogs often suffer from food allergies to specific animal proteins, which can cause skin eruptions or inflammatory bowel-type reactions, and there are less possible allergens in a plant-based diet.”Commercial vegan pet food has been becoming popular. If you have made the wise decision to transition their diet, Dr. Andrew Knight (vegan) has some valuable tips. “There are a range of flavor enhancers that can be added. Things like nutritional yeast, spirulina, nori flakes, vegetable oil. Because the sense of smell is very important for animals. The most important thing is patience and persistence.” To extend Her love, Supreme Master Ching Hai writes books, designs cozy houses, clothes, mattresses, and promotes delicious vegan foods and treats for our animal friends. “They understand. It’s just they don’t have a choice. All the spiders that I have encountered, they said they listen to my teaching. They don’t eat live insects anymore. And the skunk’s also like that. That’s why he asked my dog(-person) how to find other food.”