Bahasa Melayu

Jesus Sends Forth His Apostles: From The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ, Part 2 of 2

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“Go ye therefore unto the nations and speak unto them the truth and wisdom of the only True God, even our Eternal Father Who are in Heaven. Yea, go your many different ways, and behold I send ye forth as innocent lambs among unfed wolves. Be ye warned, that every form of evil desire shall satan aim against ye, for truth this one hates and twists into a lie and deceives many. Therefore trust no man nor salute no man by the way, but trust only in the angel of the Lord, who shall guide ye and minister unto ye always.

And into whatsoever place ye enter, say first, ‘Peace be to this place or household.’ And if the spirit of peace be there, then allow your peace to rest upon it, if not, your peace shall come back unto you. Speak ye with any who loves righteousness and seeks after the holy things of God, but speak not holy things with men of wicked heart, lest ye cast truth before devils that mock....

And when some receive ye, eat such things as are set before you without the taking of life, always making thyself an example of the holy way for if some offer thee flesh of animals, speak ye the truth of such foul things that they know the good from the evil. […]”

“Be ye merciful with every nation of people and at all times be ye patient, in order that ye shall obtain mercy also. Forgive others freely, so ye shall be forgiven in like manner. Remember always, with what measure ye mete, with the same it be meted unto you also. For as ye do unto others, so shall it be done unto you. As ye give, so shall it be given unto you. As ye judge others, so ye be judged. As ye serve others, so shall ye be served.

Speak not a harsh word ever, nor belittle those below you in wisdom. For God is just, and rewards every one according to their works, good and bad, for that which they sow, they shall also reap. Go therefore out unto the nations and speak truth to them of the Christ, even all that I have told ye. Yea, teach them the holy way of life; for I tell ye truly, all must be Humane to be worthy of me and learn of the mysteries of God. […]”
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