Bahasa Melayu

Appetizer: Marinated Thai Eggplant, Entrée: Challenging Tofu, Side Dish: Boiled Green Beans Dessert: Hot Banana Quickie, Part 2 of 2

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This is how your Challenging Tofu looks. Challenging because it’s kind of sharp with hot pepper and chili and all that. But it’s nice for a winter day when you don’t feel like eating too much, this will give you an appetite. Some people like hot food, so that should be OK. Not everybody likes plain food. So if you have a guest from Mexico, for example, that would be the dish.

Suppose you have a guest, while your guest is eating, you can prepare the Hot Banana. Very simple, just 100 grams of all-purpose flour and a mashed banana and mix it together with the flour. You can have two bananas if one is not enough. Your banana should be ripe and good. Just mash it with a fork, like that. Good. Mash it all up. Good, it’s done. It doesn’t have to be like mashed potato. Just mash it into broken, smooth pieces. That’s good. It should be OK like that. No problem.

A pinch of salt into the flour. Mix it well, salt and flour. Put this banana in there. Mix the banana and the flour with a fork. Or with your hand, who cares? Now we add a little bit of water until it becomes like a dough.

Good. I’m going to put oil, a couple of tablespoons, be generous with it. Put it in there and heat it up. But your dough is not going to be very firm like for making cake or something like that. This is almost like a batter but a very consistent one. So, if your oil is already hot, you can just put in any little piece like that. It won’t have any shape, it doesn’t matter. Just put it in. Use a spoon or a spatula to put it in. One portion at a time like that. Thin, not too thick, about half a centimeter thin. It has no rule about it. Just put it in the oil. This is a Hot Banana Quickie.

See, your Hot Banana Quickie should be golden brown, like this, delicious, and crispy. And already delicious without even syrup. Just in case you like syrup, I already prepared some on the table.