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If the people turn to noble lifestyle, just even be vegetarian to save the planet, to save the animals, that’s enough to save them also. But they have to listen. Even if you pray for the earthquake not to happen, something else will happen to those people who have to experience this kind of thing unless they turn their heart around and take refuge in their own loving great power, compassionate nature; that’s their only refuge. If you pray for this not to happen, next thing, another thing will happen. And sometimes, the more delay, the more interest. And maybe even more intense. We know this is not good. We see all the cruelty and all the cleansing action going on on the planet.By being kind, you’ll be looked upon kindly. By saving lives, your lives will be protected. Treat others with love, you’ll be treated like that and more, multiple-times in return. We can pray for world peace, we can pray for the planet as a whole, but people have to change.