Bahasa Melayu

Kitab Surangama: Keadaan Dirasuk Syaitan Skandha Fikiran, Bahagian 2 daripada 8

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There’s some more. My God. Meditation is not all that safe, if you don’t know how. Quan Yin is the safest already, unless you still go and mess with local ghosts and stuff like that in those small…

Sometimes, local people make some local things to worship some local god. And if you come worship them, sometimes they possess you if they like you. And then, if you seek other higher dimensions by another Master, they will make you trouble, like the one who asked yesterday. In case you have that trouble, in case you have come and worshipped some lower god, some deity somewhere, and they possess you, then just say that “I am a disciple of Supreme Master Ching Hai. If you leave me alone, She might be able to help you, to elevate your status. If you continue to harm me, and even if I am harmed, you will not be any good. So, you leave me alone and I practice, and I can share some of the merits with you. And I might pray to my Master to help you.” OK? Then they will stop giving you headaches.

Do not despise them or anything. Just say, “Thank you for helping me all this time, or being with me somehow, helping me in any small way, but I want to study with Master Ching Hai. Just leave me alone, and you’ll be benefited. Better than harming me.”

Don’t worship anyone except God. Even if you don’t find any Master, if you don’t believe me, just worship God only. God Almighty only, or Buddha; I mean truly Buddha, in your heart. You just ask for the true Buddha to worship, maybe Shakyamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha,or God Almighty, or Jesus, in your heart. You hold on to that. If you ever doubt me, or got out of here, or got out of my circle, believe in God, believe in Buddha. Don’t go worship any lower god or even gods from heaven. They might mislead you and you’ll be in trouble.

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