
Be Vegan for the New Kingdom of God - Interview with The Reverend Dr. Lauren Lisa Ng (vegan), Part 2 of 2

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“I like to be provocative in getting people to think and reflect, and veganism is one of those things. How we treat animals, how we treat this creation that God’s given us is one of the ways that I like to provoke people to think, to reflect, to meditate on, and then hopefully to act. Because I think once we see something and we’re compelled by what we see, there’s nothing left to do except to act in accordance with that.”

“I created, for example, throw pillows, frames, artwork posters that you could put on your wall, tote bags, kitchen towels, all with vegan messages...” “I made dish towels that I would hand illustrate different substitutions for eggs. So, when you’re in the kitchen, you can look really quickly and go, ‘oh, I could use flax seed, I could use chia, I could use potato starch, I could use apples and bananas,’ things like that.”

Also, during this time as a stay-at-home mom, Reverend Dr. Ng started a creative vegan blog called “One Happy Table” to share delicious, easy, plant-based recipes that every family can enjoy. Let’s hear her valuable insights on how to kickstart a successful vegan journey both individually and as a family. “So I would say, as far as advice for those who are new to the vegan journey or vegan curious would be to start however you can. And then the other piece of advice I’d give, especially to families with children, and lots of people to please is to keep eating what you eat, just veganize it.”

Now let’s hear some heartfelt messages from Reverend Dr. Ng on how to reconnect with our inner child to foster change and compassion. “See the fullness and the sacredness and beauty of God, of creation, as the way they saw it when they were children. And so I’d say whoever you are, whatever you believe in, whatever your set of beliefs are, even if that’s a lack of spiritual religious affiliation, that’s still a set of beliefs. You know, listen to your gut, listen to your spirit. In the Christian world, I’d say listen to that still, small voice of God. what feels right to you, right? Like return to the ways you felt about animals as a young child, and then study and interrogate the systems of violence and oppression that exist around our animal industry, animal agriculture today. And then take again what you feel when you really listen to your spirit, and then take what you're learning as you study and interrogate those systems, and then see what they compel you to do and how they may compel you to change.”

For more information, please visit: laurenlisang.com
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