ఇంకా చదవండి
We’re really killing ourselves, slowly or quickly. Apart from that, we have other things – hurricanes, El Nino and earthquakes and… All because we disturb the pattern of nature, we disturb the ecosystem.More than 300,000 people die every year because of climate change alone. It will be more, more and more. As the climate gets worse, more people will die, not just by poison but by disaster. The government always gives subsidies to the meat industry. So, you see, if we use those subsidies, millions and millions of dollars, give to farmers to turn into organic vegetable farming.They’re very easy to grow, vegetables, especially organic vegetables. Less work, less water, more produce, and minimum pollution to our water and air – absorb CO2 and healthy for the planet and for the people; and regulate the atmosphere again, so we don’t have hurricanes, we don’t have earthquakes, we don’t have floods, we don’t have droughts again. Everything balances again. This is scientifically speaking. For my vision, I know it’s more than just that, because if we kill, we get harm also. we will have to pay. That’s the law of the universe. Anything we love will benefit us. Anything we harm will hurt us.