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The Buddha or Messiah We Have Been Waiting For Is Here Now, Part 7 of 8, July 7, 2024

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If you are not yet a Master, if you don’t know yet you are a Buddha, you cannot say that you are a Buddha. Because that is very bad karma. […] That is the worst crime you can commit in the Universal Spiritual Law. That’s why you should not proclaim yourself a Master when you’re not. Buddha said you will be condemned in the relentless hell, if committing such sin. Because you don’t know anything. […] And you make your followers think that you are something. And then act as if you’re degrading all the Buddhas’ status, like comparing Their superior, holy status to your lowly, demonic, possessed level. You got that now? So don’t do that.

If you are a Bodhisattva, a true one, you will know it. If you know nothing about the real inner spiritual worlds, then you are not. So, do not cheat vulnerable people for your own demonic low motive! The Quan Yin Bodhisattva, He knows. She told the Buddha what She possessed, what She practiced – the Quan Yin Method, the hearing-inside method, the inner teaching method. That’s why She can hear everywhere, and help all sentient beings who call on Her for help. She was telling Buddha and His assembly the Truth of Her/His spiritual Status, Real status. Well, sometimes Quan Yin Bodhisattva appears in a female form, and sometimes in a male form, so you can call as Him or Her, it doesn’t matter. We don’t really have any sexual physical organ in the soul in order to say, “I’m a male” or “I’m a female.”

Last life, the last one just before this life, I was a male in India. I was Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj. Now I tell you the truth. I am not afraid to tell you the truth anymore. I used to be more secretive. I didn’t tell you all this personally, as I want to keep my work on Earth a little longer, a little safer, for you all.

And now I’m telling you two things today. The last life, I was Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj. And this life – I’m my true Self – the real Great Buddha has come this time for a special purpose. I sacrifice everything, many things, every day. Every day I have trouble; I have pain; I have unfavorable issues. But I can deal with all that. I can deal with all that. I’m not telling you to feel sorry for me. No, no. If I can help anyone, I’m willing to. It’s just, you should know the truth now, in case… I’m recovering, but I’m not sure if I can last long physically. So I’m just telling you two things, because I’m not afraid anymore. There’s not much more anyone can do to me now.

By God’s Grace I can help anyone. I can liberate anyone who trusts me, who believes in me. But they should be more compassionate, for themselves also – to be a dignified human. It’s not just relying on my help. God helps those who help themselves. That’s what it is. You should help yourself. You are the Buddhas – the future Buddha, I mean on the way to Buddhahood. You are the children of God. Be worthy of it. That’s all. Be dignified. Be good for yourself and for others. And every day, be grateful to God, to all the Saints and Sages who sacrifice Their utmost for you. And that’s why no wonder all the followers of the real Masters truly worship Them and truly are grateful to Them. Because they have experiences of greatness from the Master’s Power and Blessing.

Of course, you are my disciples; you are the best. You are the most powerful on this planet. And you know that already. Not everyone, no matter how many years long they practice, has those experiences that you have inside – the inner experiences of the inner world, of meeting God, of meeting Lord Jesus, meeting Buddha in Their own Holy Land. Not everyone on this planet has that. They might have some lower level, like Astral Level – those levels are already so beautiful that nobody wants to leave and come back to this turbulent and, sorry, not very clean world in the physical realm. But you, my so-called disciples, you are great. You are wonderful; you’re powerful. No one can do what you do.

I don’t mean all of you are like that. You check yourself, and you’ll know whether you are the good one, the medium one, or the lower one. Or the worse than low, even – some of you are still being possessed by the concept of demons. Thus, you let the demons use you for your own selfish gain. And that is a pitiful thing, because I can’t help you. Because you do the opposite thing of my teachings. You have been my disciples for a long time – some of those people – and I have never asked you for one penny, or anything at all. So how could you do that to others?

All of my so-called monks, even if I send them out on the list to go to give initiation to others, I pay for them. I pay for the airplane ticket, for a taxi, for petroleum even, if one of your brothers or sisters takes them (by car) to their initiation area. We never take anything from you. So why, if you so-called follow me, you copy me, do everything similar, except you’re taking money? That’s no good. You must know that’s very bad karma for you. People’s money, they earn by sweat and tears. They have their family to take care of. They have government taxes to pay. They have their car to repair. They have their children, who are not always healthy or fit, to take care of. They have their parents to take care of. They have their siblings to worry about also. They have other things to do. Their money is their sweat and tears. That’s why I make business: to take care of my monks, and for whatever expenses I have.

At the moment, my expenses are very little because I eat once a day. Or now and then maybe a couple of drinks of (vegan) soup or something simple. But mostly it’s just like that. Once a day, you feel full already, good enough. And if in the evening you feel a little hungry, you just drink some water – warm water or cold water depends on the climate, or depends on your liking – and then you’re OK. It’s just fleeting; you feel maybe hungry for just a few seconds, and then you’re busy, you do something else – you go do meditation, you go prostrate to God, Buddhas, and Masters to thank Them, then you feel nothing of hunger anymore – it’s just illusion, really.

Concerning the (vegan) soup, in case you want to copy it like many other things, it’s very easy nowadays. You don’t even have to cook. There are some like (vegan) broth cubes or broth powder. You just put it in a cup and throw a couple of leaves of salad in it and pour hot water on it and that’s it. You can drink it right away. Or there is some dry stuff, dry (vegan) powder – very thin soup and very simple. In case you really have some stomach problems sometimes, because sometimes when you don’t eat a lot during some days when you don’t feel well, or you’re too stressed out, you don’t want to eat anything, so you eat very little. And then maybe in the afternoon you feel a little stomach problem like gas bubbling and hurting your stomach, then you better drink something, either water or this kind of simple (vegan) soup. I rarely use it. I didn’t use it up to now yet. But in case you want to, you can. I just prepared a couple of these small (vegan) packages in case I needed them, but I didn’t need it. You prepare dry things in case you don’t want to keep buying. It’s very simple to take care of yourself. In case you want to copy, but I don’t recommend anything.

And concerning the dress I wear, I don’t wear monks’ robes anymore, or any priests’ robes anymore, even though I also have joined some monk orders: Hinduism, Buddhism, as well as Christianity. I have a missioner’s kind of certificate. Like, I’ve been certified as a missioner. But I don’t wear any of them because I don’t want to single out one religion and proclaim it as the only one, the best one, and the rest are inferior. That’s why I don’t want (to wear robes). As some said before that I wanted to take their disciples, their followers, by wearing the same kind of robe!

Also, I don’t want people to keep bowing to me, prostrating to me, and giving me donations because I’m a monk of any kind. So, that’s why I earn my own money, one of the reasons, also. Because I feel humans suffer enough from making their own living. Why do I have to make more burden for them?

My working group has a lot of people. I need to take care of them. That was the beginning of why we made business. Because before I didn’t have any home and so many people followed me as monks and they just lived anywhere – in the bushes, and camping in the fields or on the riverbank. It’s not all that good for them. They were young, so I was thinking I have to take care of them better. So we made business, and since then it continued.

And thanks to God’s Grace and all the Buddhas’ Blessings that we also can make some business, that we can support ourselves; and whatever extra, we can help others who are in a dire situation, like victims of a war or disaster. I’m grateful for all the Help and all the Generosity from Heavens by God’s Grace that I could take care of myself and my team: my people, my leftover residents – monks and nuns who are still there.

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Sa Pagitan ng Master at mga Disipulo
Sa Pagitan ng Master at mga Disipulo
Sa Pagitan ng Master at mga Disipulo
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