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Divine Connection: Luna/Beauty the Redwood Tree and Communicator Yaya (vegan), Part 4 of 4

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In today’s final episode, we will delve deeper into Luna/Beauty’s insights through Yaya (vegan), a telepathic communicator of plants and animal-people from Taiwan (Formosa) and explore more the physical and spiritual benefits that tree-people provide to humanity.

“Luna said she is only the size of a baby tree compared with the Original Mother Tree. Maybe we can relate it to the giant tree in that movie Avatar. Luna actually shows me a picture that the Mother Tree still exists underground. The core is a world inside, and the Mother Tree exists there, very huge but very secretly, very well protected by the Divine Power. They are connected inside with the Mother Tree in the core.”

“In ancient times, humans could communicate with us trees. They were friendly while living here, and together we thrived in harmony.” The loving and forgiving Luna/Beauty, suggests through Yaya that anyone can learn to communicate with trees. “Don’t think, just let go, open your heart, and just feel with your heart. And that’s a secret, and that’s the only thing we have to learn.”

Through Yaya, Luna/Beauty also encourage people to cultivate a respectful love for forests. “I enjoy it when people visit, sit next to me, read, or walk their dogs, but please refrain from climbing up. unless they have a very special cause. If people come with quietness in their hearts, they can feel our energy and love. Please speak gently, avoiding shouting or making loud noises. All the tree-people and the forest have their own system and atmosphere and prefer not to be disturbed.”

Our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) highly values the roles that trees play. “Some trees are at a very high spiritual level. You have no idea. The Fifth Level, yes. Some trees are very big and very spiritual… They stand there to protect the world, to stabilize our world, and to provide oxygen. They absorb CO2. It’s a way to absorb (bad) karma and give blessings. If they were not from a high level, how could they do such things?”

“When I started to communicate with Luna, I introduced myself, the purpose of communicating with her is to air the program especially for them. So, sometimes, I meditate, I have the big picture of Luna, and I say, ‘This is Supreme Master Television. The beautiful lady, She is our Master.’ And I invited her just like the way I do, to watch the show together. So, she said that all the tree-people thank Supreme Master Television. She put her hands on her chest like a human being. And then she said she can feel the love.”

Luna/Beauty then conveys the following message to the Supreme Master Television team. “We redwood tree-people are ancient beings; we can sense that the atmosphere is different, and your love carries a different frequency - a love that illuminates the Earth. You are working hard for Mother Earth, animal-people, and all humans on the planet. If everyone on the Earth were like you, the Earth would become a paradise.”

“Thank you Supreme Master, we all love You. We can’t imagine how the Earth would become without You and Your team. You have to be strong. You have all the love from all the trees.” And Luna showed me all the tree family, holding hand, pouring out their love for Master.