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Trích Thánh Điển Của Bạch Huynh Đệ Đại Đồng: Khát Vọng Hòa Bình, Phần 1/2

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These new human beings will be bearers of love among all people and nations. As a result, all nations will live for one another as in a family: big nations will be the big brothers, and small nations - the little ones. They will all have Peace and Harmony among themselves. This is the Will of God, Who is the Creator of the Universe. You ask when this time will come. It will come in the near future. Modern humankind is at the threshold of a new epoch as the solar system has already entered the realm of .the Divine Dawning. When this time comes, there will be no conditions for the existence of malevolent people.They will perish one after another and the Earth will get rid of them.
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