
The Way to End Wars, Part 2 of 7

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So how are you? (Fine.) You’re alright? (Yes.) Did you enjoy the concert of The Rolling Stones? (No.) No? Why not? You didn’t go? (No.) Wow, a lot of excitement there. I saw a lot of people on the street and all the hotels are booked, and all the pubs are full, all the restaurants are reserved. I was almost left at a train station. Luckily, we found a room. Wow, Scotland is so famous. Everybody comes here in summer. And now it’s also the Year of Architecture, I heard. And we’re busy with the conference about constructing the Parliament and all that stuff. Is that right? (Yes.)

Wow, that’s great news. Yes, congratulations on the development of your country. It looks like your homeland is revitalizing and is growing and thriving, and so full of energy at this time, at this period of our era. And it is very good. This is very good that we are so positive. When we look around and quite a few countries are having problems, we should feel very happy for Scotland that your people, your government, occupy themselves with very, very constructive things and constructive way of life, constructive thinking. And this is very wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. May God Bless your country more and more and [may] you continue with your constructive energy.

And that will be good to lead us all into the year 2000. It’s better than talking about negative things. This is a good thing to do. It’s a good thing to do. I’m very happy for you. So, I also come here as part of an invitation to your homeland. I come to offer the best thing that I know of, also very constructive, and even more so, to go along with your constructive trend at the moment, to improve this homeland even more and more every day.

Because just like we have to know architectural knowledge in order to build our safe home, we have to also have some spiritual knowledge in order to build our foundation of a noble mansion in the Kingdom of God. The spiritual knowledge, it doesn’t even cost us anything. It doesn’t cost us time to go to college. It will not, nevertheless, award us any kind of certificate. But the reward inside is the Kingdom of Heaven, is our true Home. And we can begin to build it right now. Even though we already have it, we have forgotten the tool.

Just like we all heard of God and Heaven, but unfortunately many of us have never seen Them. Sometimes we have a glimpse of God in our very, very, very deep, deep moments of prayer, but then we probably dismiss it as an illusion. But I have the way to show you, if you’re interested, so that you know that it’s real. We can verify whether some inner spiritual visions are real or not real, whether the one we spoke to is the real God, God’s representative, real Lord Jesus’ manifestation or is it some kind of illusionary imagination of the mind. Most people, even when they try to venture into the Kingdom of God alone, they tend to get lost because they don’t know the map.

I’m also here to offer you the “map” to Heaven in case you haven’t got it. It is just like the map from the airport to my hotel. The taxi driver just opens it and then he can drive and then definitely he arrives. And meanwhile, he can see also the landmarks before we arrive at the hotel, so that he is sure that he knows the way and the way is correct, if he didn’t know it before. Suppose the taxi driver already knows the road, then it is very, very easy. But if he doesn’t, the map will help him. Similarly, if we already know the road to Heaven by our own knowledge or by learning with some other knowledgeable Teacher, then we can go daily.

If we don’t know, we can inquire about it. It’s just like everything else in life. We can inquire about the material needed for our specific intention. As if an architect, he should inquire about where to enroll into the construction college, and then he takes some time to acquire all the necessary information until he becomes adept in his profession. Then he can build his house or anybody else’s house. Similarly, spiritual knowledge is also open to everyone who is interested, who is serious about knowing our original Home, which is built by the (inner Heavenly) Light and Music of Heaven.

The materials we use here to build our house are similar to each other, like bricks, tar, cement. And then we paint it outside and we decorate it, like so magnificent theaters like this one. In Heaven, we have much, much better material to build our “house,” and each one of us can be an architect because we have the tools and the power of creativity, which is God’s quality, which has been bestowed upon us at the moment of creation, eons ago. Before we even descended into this world, we have had all this so that we can build our own world, we can shape our destiny, we can travel Heaven and Earth at will.

We can leave the body and re-enter it anytime we wish. But it is such the density of this physical planet that it blurs our vision and disturbs our wisdom so that we forget all this Source of creativity, all the power that is necessary to survive better in this world as well as the next. So, God sometimes sends us a Messenger, some reminder, such as Lord Jesus, Buddha, etc., and they will bring us the map again to Heaven. And then the map will be continually passed on from one generation to the next.

And some of the descendants of Lord Jesus, Buddha, or [Lord] Jesus’, Buddha’s disciples, among them who have acquired this map for themselves would have mastered the art of traveling between Heaven and Earth. Then he knows the map even by heart and he can also take any of us with him without any trouble. It’s like your taxi driver. If he goes back and forth between my hotel and the airport many times, he surely can drive even almost with his eyes closed. So, it is very simple to know Heaven and to know our true Home.

The only reason we do not know is that we have forgotten the map, or we have long been too busy with mundane worries and survival, that we have forgotten the hidden tools within our true heart. And also, another reason is, [it’s] very difficult to find the descendants of the old Masters who have mastered the art of traveling between Heaven and Earth, suppose we have not mastered it ourselves. So, just like any other things in the Universe – inquiries, information – this is all we need. And then we have to practice the information at hand and then we’ll become adept, just like every other subject.

Spiritual science is even more easy, much, much easier than other sciences of physical study. Because physical studies, most of the time, require so many things, so many hours of study, so many books to read, so many instruments to practice upon, so many apprenticeship years to spend, and so much effort, even financial support and time – before we become adept at anything in this world. On the contrary, spiritual mastery, mastership, does not require of us any such extravagant effort.

So, we can kind of study like part-time, like we save one-tenth of our time. And then we can acquire it in a very short while. And meanwhile, before we become reacquainted with our true Home, before we attain mastery again – I say “again” because we were once masters already. We came from Heaven. We were all masters, we were all Christ, we were all Buddhas. There was no difference between any of us before we came here. When we came here, we became different. I will explain. So, before we reclaim or reach mastery again, we already will experience so many blessings, so many miraculous events that will enhance our life, that will smooth our journey on Earth as well as to Heaven.

Photo Caption: Where There Is Happiness, There Is Growth

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