
The Way to End Wars, Part 3 of 7

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Before we become reacquainted with our true Home, before we attain mastery again – I say “again” because we were once masters already. We came from Heaven. We were all masters, we were all Christ, we were all Buddhas. There was no difference between any of us before we came here. When we came here, we became different. I will explain. So, before we reclaim or reach mastery again, we already will experience so many blessings, so many miraculous events that will enhance our life, that will smooth our journey on Earth as well as to Heaven.

We will recognize that we are the greatest beings in the Universe. We will know that God truly is here for us every second. Because miracles will happen without us having to do anything, without us having to call upon Heaven and Earth, having to kneel and pray for hours on end, or do any kind of magic potion, or dance around, jump about, or do whatever – upside down, inside out, whatever. We don’t have to do anything like that because God is Almighty, and that God resides within us. It is a greatest surprise to all of us that even though we know that, even though we try to believe that, we still cannot grasp the reality that we are nothing but God inside.

So, I’m here to remind you of this truth, and I will also help you to know it yourself because secondhand knowledge is, nevertheless, secondhand. Only the truth that you know yourself will remain forever. I’m not here to be your teacher. I’m not here to stay forever and bind you with any contract or any conditions. I’m here to teach you once and for all that you are the teacher, that you are God. And please try to remember this through my scientific, spiritual scientific method, day by day, so that you can reclaim your glory, even without my presence after today.

Because once I teach you, you will never forget, because God within you, you will know, and God is the One Who will awaken again Hirmself, and direct your mind and your brain, which up to now we think is us – direct them to do the right things, to smooth out the course of your life, to bless your existence. And then you still have an abundance of blessings to share with the whole planet and the Universe as well. What is good for Scotland is good for Europe. What’s good for Europe is good for the whole world. What’s good for this planet is good for the whole Universe because we’re all linked together. There’s no one that can exist without another.

We’re all connected. Just like we need the Sun, and the flowers need the Earth. And we like the flowers; we need the flowers to feel good, and the flower in turn needs us to fertilize it, to take care of it so that it blooms in the best possible beauty for us to enjoy. The universal brotherhood is the vast, beautiful net of intelligence and we are a part of it. And any part of this net, when in trouble, causes the whole net to kind of delay in function and be defective. Therefore, we need to fix one and then everything will be alright.

I’m not here only to serve you; I’m here to serve myself. Because I also belong to you, and I know through my meditational practice that I am one with you. The essence within you, the essence within me – take away this body – becomes one together like the ocean. Now we are separated, just like the bottle that separates the ocean water inside with the ocean outside floating around it. Similarly, this body makes the illusion of separation between us. But during the course of meditation daily, you and I will see that we are all one. And then we are also one with God because we are made of God, and Hes just clothes us with this material suit so that we will play our part to make this creation colorful and versatile in all aspects.

But once we have done our job in this world, we can go back Home. And it is the urge within us that lets us know that our time is up or not – that we can go Home now or maybe we wait until next life or next century. So, you are God yourself, and the God within you, of course, will decide.

I’m only here for the ones who are ready. Therefore, there is no push, no force, no hurry on my part. Just when you’re ready, we stand by and help. It’s not only I or my elder brothers and sisters stand by, the whole Universal Power stands by, God stands by, all the angels stand by.

Once we decide to go Home, we have the whole bunch of escorts, and I will show you Them also. If you follow my road, you will see Them on the road yourself. Because this planet, this physical creation is not the only one. We have so many mansions in the Home of God, and these mansions are full of Beings – wonderful Beings, wonderful like us, or more wonderful in some way, more knowledgeable. And They assist us when we travel on our journey back Home. And it is a very, very wonderful journey. Anyone who travels enjoys it immensely. And we just enjoy it more so, because it even betters our life here on this planet.

It not only leads us to spiritual improvement, but it assists us in material aspects as well, so that our life will be more in abundance, and things that we need will fly to us. I mean literally sometimes, the way we want it, without even having to utter a word of prayer. Because I will show you God, and God is connected with you after the so-called transmission – the re-initiation. Then Hes and you are connected. You can become one, and what you want is what Hes wants. Hes will know what you want. Hes already knows what you want.

It’s just that we have forgotten how to listen to Hiers Commands, how to listen to Hiers Advice, and therefore, we don’t know what Hes instructs us to do to solve this problem or that dilemma. It’s not that God doesn’t answer our prayers, it’s just that our telephone line to Heaven is temporarily cut off or displaced. So, all I do is just help you to plug it back in, fix it, and then we can be right there with Heaven again. And that’s why we call this process “immediate Enlightenment,” because that’s what it is. In just seconds, you see the (inner Heavenly) Light, you might see Heaven, you might talk to Lord Jesus, you might see God, you might converse with the ancient Masters and learn direct knowledge of Heaven.

I’m just here to reconnect your line. Yesterday, I heard that some of the Scottish telecommunication was disrupted, right? So many thousands of people cannot communicate with each other. Similarly, when our telephone to the Kingdom of God is disrupted or displaced in any way, we cannot hear God. So even though we like to submit ourselves to the Will of God, it is very difficult. So, if you would like, I will humbly fix it for you. I don’t even have to do anything, because actually God will fix it Hirmself. It’s just that I will show you how to be receptive to this message, because you have forgotten the way, that’s all. OK?

And I guess too much talk doesn’t make you see God, so I will stop here. And if you like, I will show you God today, immediately, as soon as we have time to sit down together for an hour or two, because you need some instruction so that you know how to do it at home later when I’m away. And in case you have any questions after that, you still can contact me or can contact my elder brothers and sisters. They also know basic things. But the most important is God Hirmself will teach you every day. Whenever you have time to sit down with Hirm, Hes will teach you. Hes will teach you through the brilliant (inner Heavenly) Light inside. Hes will teach you through the (inner) Music of Heaven, the universal language.

Hes teaches you even in the Scottish language. Hes will teach you through the ancient Masters Who will appear to you, just like I appear to you right now, in your inner vision. And you may converse with Them, ask Them anything you want, and They will teach you everything that you need to know. And meanwhile, any physical questions you can address to me, here or after the initiation, or any time. Thank you very much. You’re very attentive. God bless you.

If you have any questions, please give them to the MC. She will read them to me. And if you want initiation, if you’re sure already, you can go out and register. One question often asked is that... Oh, I’ll read it later. It’s long.

One question often asked is why do I need all these names and addresses. Because we will send you more information later. It’s not possible to give it all today, because it’s a long way to bring them all to Scotland. And you need some more information later. And the photo is for your privilege ID card. So later, if you want to see me or see some of our brothers and sisters, you are the first ones to come in, because you will have more important things to ask than some people who do not know our way yet. So, this is your privilege card. You keep it with you. And if you don’t want to use it, it’s OK. If you want to use it, it’s to your advantage. Because sometimes I have thousands and thousands of guests, but I see the ones with the privilege card first – see to his needs first – because I know he’s on the way Home, he needs more urgent information. Other people, they can take their time and ask later. Therefore, it’s called a “privilege card.”

Photo Caption: Walk the Line, Rain or Shine

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