
Mehrteilige Reihe mit historischen Vorhersagen über unseren Planeten: Prophezeiungen für das Goldene Zeitalter, Teil 43 - Die Prophezeiungen des Shakyamuni Buddha über den Maitreya Buddha

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Maitreya Buddha has devoted many past incarnations to helping sentient beings, like Lord Shakyamuni Buddha did before Him. Supreme Master Ching Hai has also graced our Earth with Her enlightening and uplifting presence over many ages and lifetimes. “I have been in this planet, oh God, a long, long time. Became kings and queens and founders of many religious monks’ and nuns’ orders...” The writings of Theosophy further support the truth that Maitreya Buddha has manifested before in different forms. The British Theosophist and clairvoyant Charles Leadbeater maintained that Maitreya Buddha had also come as the Worshipped Master Lord Jesus Christ.
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