
Mehrteilige Reihe mit historischen Vorhersagen über unseren Planeten: Prophezeiungen für das Goldene Zeitalter, Teil 44 - Die Prophezeiungen des Shakyamuni Buddha über den Maitreya Buddha

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We have observed that Supreme Master Ching Hai has always been a step ahead in giving Her guidance to leaders and world citizens, in addition to Her spiritual support, so that such progress could be made and so quickly. “Bodhisattva time to come will adorn and make this world all pure.” Based on our observations and inner knowing, it is our conviction that Supreme Master Ching Hai is a manifestation of the prophesied Maitreya Buddha, here to purify and improve our world as never before. “Maitreya Buddha’s disciples...will all hear much [of the Dharma], study and guard the Dharma store, and practice meditative concentration.” “They will all succeed in abandoning desires, like a bird leaving the eggshell.”
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