
Buddhist Stories: “The Starving Tigress” (Part 3 of 3) Aug. 23, 2015

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I ask you, why is that? Just to offer your body to the three tigers, why is it that you are born into such a High Heaven? Tusita is one of the Third Heavens. One of the levels on the Third Heaven. Middle Third Heaven. Middle Third Level of consciousness. Because he really just loves. He has just love. At that time, he just had love, unconditional love, absolute love. When you love somebody more than your life, then you’ve got it, then you really earn that place in Heaven. But Heaven was just by the way. It’s a by-product. What he wanted was the wisdom. Compassionate, forever wisdom. So therefore, even though he was in Heaven and enjoyed all that, but he still came back until he reached Buddhahood.

After the Buddha or the Master goes to Nirvana, or to the Fifth Level, they still lend their power to whoever is doing good things on this planet, or to other Bodhisattvas, to other Masters-to-be, to help other beings. Not like they just go to Heaven and do nothing anymore.

So being a Buddha is not only helpful to beings now, but even in the future, after they die, after the Buddhas die. That’s why sometimes you hear that people pray to Jesus, or Jesus Christ, or pray to Buddha, and then they respond. The Buddhas respond, or Jesus Christ responds, in making miracles in their lives, in some desperate situations, if they are sincere. Or Quan Yin Bodhisattva, etc. It helps, it helps, if you’re sincere and pray. If anybody’s sincere and prays, they will help you. They either help you through some living beings, or help you by telling you what to do.

Like in many cases, like the story I told you before, some past Buddha came back, even just a voice and told the woman what to do to find her mother in hell, remember? Yes. And then she went down to hell, but nothing harmed her. She rescued even all the hell beings that day. All of them went together with her mother to Heaven. Because she was so good, so filial, and so sincere, and so pure. And then the Buddha could lend the power to such a pure person. Therefore, not only her mother was liberated, but all the hell beings at that time, too.

So if you don’t want to offer your life to the tiger, then please meditate at least two-and-a-half hours a day, and be vegan, make peace. Meditate, be vegan, make peace. Three things. It’s good now. That is good.

Similar to when you help the other beings, like the handicapped people, remember the last story? The Buddha said the merit was like, just as if you made offering to the Buddha. Many, many, many, many thousands of millions of years’ merits. You will be born in a rich family, famous family, have happiness many lives, if you are born as a human. Or you are born in Heaven and enjoy long, long, long time in Heaven. So helping the helpless, helping the needy, no matter where, no matter what, is really helping yourself. The reward is more than anything you can imagine.

So many times, I ask you to go, and this (here) and there, to help other people in disasters and all that. And you always report to me. You say, “We feel like Master’s blessing is there, and we feel all happy, and elevated.” Even though it’s a very troubled situation, but your soul feels elevated, your spirit feels elevated. Your heart feels compassionate and sorrowful for the people in need. But your spirit feels very, very elevated and happy. And you always thank me. Don’t have to thank me. Thank yourself. Because you have love for others, that’s why you felt like that. And that is just the beginning. Things in your life will change always for the better after that. And later you go to higher Heaven, extra because of that.

Like for example, you meditate, and you go only to the, maybe low Third Level. But because of all your love in action, and compassion, you will be like in the middle or in the high Third World, or on the Fourth Level. It will be extra, extra, extra from Quan Yin method. If you have love and compassion, always reward, now and later.

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