
『하나님의 계명을 따르는 평화의 원칙을 지키다 - 제7일 안식교 개혁운동 교회의 에티엔 롬바드 목사와의 인터뷰3부 중 3부』

내용 요약
Christ is here to help us, He is here to do what we cannot do, and to save us from that situation. He taught His followers to love God and hence obey God, and also love each other. In this society I think if we love people and love what God has created in Hirs planet, there will be a lot of trouble that could be avoided. Being innocent, Jesus died to save us from our sins. We bielieve that our ancestors and those that we love who are dead are sleeping peacefully right now and will be resurrected by Jesus when He comes back the second time. Be better people, learn better things, have better morals, better values, better diets, better healthy living and a lot of better things will happen in this world.