
معجنات بكين التقليدية، الجزء 2 من 2 - فن النودلز العريضة التي يتم سحبها يدويًا والنودلز الطويلة

قراءة المزيد
In this Golden era, Beijing welcomes the compassionate food culture. There are more than 160 vegetarian and vegan restaurants in major establishments and alleys, and this number has doubled in the last 6 years. The various kinds of vegan noodles are another popular food in Beijing; This is always a version of vegan noodles that will meet your vegan taste buds. Today Zi Yan will show us how these traditional vegan noodles are made in Beijing.
مشاهدة المزيد
جميع الأجزاء (2/2)
النباتية أسلوب العيش النبيل
3970 الآراء