قراءة المزيد
Another man came called Gavampati, and he had a problem with the mouth. It looked like a cow-cud, cow mouth. So, the Thus Come One taught him “mind-ground Dharma-door of the purity of a single flavor,” and then he became enlightened. "'The Buddha asked about perfect penetration. As I have been certified to it, returning flavor and turning awareness around is the superior method. '" What’s “returning the flavor and turning awareness around?” Instead of looking outward, you turn your attention inward and look inside instead. So, whatever flavor it is, you return it to the origin of all flavors. Whatever, if you have either flavor or fragrance, it doesn’t matter. Once you turn your attention inward then you’re in samadhi, you’re free. Flavor or not, smelling fragrance or not, that’s what it is. The secret is turning inside to the real world, not the physical illusion world here that we have.