
다수의 금메달 수상 비건 파티시에 다니엘의 환상적인 디저트, 2부 중 1부 - 파인애플 무슬린 크림 컵케이크

내용 요약
I’m going to present you the (vegan) pineapple cupcakes. It’s going to have two parts; the cupcakes sponge and I’m going to make pineapple mousseline cream. We start with the cupcake. And how will I be sure it’s ready? Just because if I put a toothpick in the middle, it comes out very clean and dry. I’m going to use some fruit juice. In this case-pineapple, but you can use strawberry, mango, passionfruit or whatever. There is another point I would like to mention regarding vegan desserts. I very often hear the comment that vegan desserts and vegan cuisine, in general, are expensive. And I don’t think this is right because my aim in all my desserts is to use common, easy and cheap ingredients. So I hope I did make my point. Vegan cuisine is not more expensive.