The Importance of the World Vegan Worldwide Meditation
The Importance of the World Vegan Worldwide Meditation
2021-09-25 10887 Views
1412 NWN Heartline - August 9, 2021 Update report in Taiwan (Formosa)
1412 NWN Heartline - August 9, 2021 Update report in Taiwan (Formosa)
2021-08-15 4560 Views
Testmonies: Another example of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Divine Power - A Living Master can save all redeemable souls
We are enjoying such a happy paradise home thanks to Master's Love and Blessing
We are enjoying such a happy paradise home thanks to Master's Love and Blessing
2021-06-24 2203 Views
My family has a loving and spiritual chihuahua who often gives us advice
My family has a loving and spiritual chihuahua who often gives us advice
2021-03-23 1939 Views
Being Very Thankful to Master for Giving Earth a Second Chance
Being Very Thankful to Master for Giving Earth a Second Chance
2021-02-25 7509 Views
Master's Reply Regarding 2021 Lunar New Year's Well-wishes from Taiwanese (Formosan) Disciples
The sincere voices of animals, "May all humans quit eating meat and swith to a vegan diet." Let us free the animals from incessant suffering
Inner Experience: Master and Supreme Master Television have elevated the world and humankind is gradually awakening
Heartline: Thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s precious teachings, I become a better person!