
Enjoying Relaxing Time with Master, Part 3 of 4, May 26, 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria

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When (Lord) Jesus was alive, He didn’t even have shoes. He had to hide everywhere, all the time. […] And then, after He died, look at how many churches we have. Empty; some are empty, some big and empty. […] We’d repair it. We’d pay for electricity, water, and food, and we’d repair. That’s the best way to use a church, right? Go and pray to God, meditate for mankind. But of course, we shall be patient. We can’t talk to the world – not really, still not yet. The mind, no; the soul, yes. The souls, they understand. The mind, no. […]

It was really scary. You feel very controlled, very restricted because there’s nothing you can do in that situation. It’s just like you are in a prison, and you can’t even feel the floor because it’s in the air. Nobody there to help you. Nobody can. And that airplane is only equipped for so many hours. Normally, it flies one hour only, and maybe maximum they put another half an hour extra (fuel), or one hour extra, but it’s not forever. The petrol, the fuel won’t last forever. (It’s dangerous.) If they cannot come down… It happened before, one airplane could not come down and they had no fuel; they just died, just crashed and died. (Wow!) It has happened many times - different situations. (Yes.) So, of course, people [were] very panicked and I laughed and it’s very “sinful.” But I just remembered so many jokes about airplanes.

There was a joke! OK, there was a sport airplane. They have only one engine. Some are four seats or six seats, like that. Four-seater airplane, and the engine went kaput. When you have only one engine, then only God can help you. I don’t think Hes can either. One engine! Kaput! What to do?! The attendant came out and said, “Is there anybody here who can pray?” Nobody said anything. And then she asked again, “Anybody who can pray? Because we are in an urgent situation. We have no more power; the engine’s kaput. So it’s a very urgent situation. Any of you can pray or not?” And then there came a person at the back, maybe a priest or missionary. So he said, “Yes, I can.” She said, “Good! Please, everybody else, put on a life jacket and jump; he stays here and prays.” They [were] short of one life jacket. They [were] short of one parachute. So everybody else said, “I have a parachute,” and that guy stayed and prayed.

So when they talked about the plane, I remembered this joke, and I laughed, of course. And they looked at me again. I said, “Oops! Sorry now.” “I’m praying also. We’re praying together, OK?” And then later, I laughed again because it was too long. He circled too long. And it got on my nerves, of course, but I remembered all these jokes. Just like when people are dying, they remember all kinds of things. And I was thinking, “Maybe this is a sign that I might be dying, who knows?” Because I remember people saying that before you die, all the things flash back to you very quickly. So, all these jokes kept flashing back to me. So I was laughing again because I remembered another joke about airplanes. About flying? Remember I told you all these jokes? But it was very concentrated yesterday. It was all flashing back, just like before you die, the last minute: Everything flashes back to you. That’s what they said to me. So anyway, all the jokes just came flashing back.

There’s another joke. The pilot radioed to the control tower, saying, “Mayday, mayday. I have one engine kaput. What am I to do?” He said, “Oh, just hang on in there and try to land – emergency.” And later, he said, “Mayday, mayday! My tail is burning.” You know, the airplane tail was burning. “What am I to do?” He said, “Well, just try your best and control and land quick!” And then another, “Mayday, mayday! The last engine is kaput! And both wings are also broken. What am I to do now?” So the control tower radioed back to him and said, “Repeat after me, sir, … Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name ...” What else? What else to do? And then they looked at me again. But they were fed up with me, so they didn’t care. I said, “I’m sorry, I’m getting serious again,” and I’m all… And then I laughed again. What to do? All the flashbacks!

I remembered another joke. Remember that joke I told you about an old woman who was learning to fly a helicopter? (No.) No? What? I did, maybe in Chinese. She was already getting to the stage where she could fly by herself. So, the instructor let her fly. And the instructor told her, “OK, when you go up there, about 300 meters, you radio us. You say you’re OK, everything’s fine. Check the controls, all the buttons, everything, OK?” Yes. So 300 meters up there, she radioed, “I’m fine. Wonderful, I’m enjoying.” They also told her every 300 meters, she should radio down. OK. So keep one, two, and second time, “OK, I’m enjoying; weather is fine, all is good, I see very far.” And then another… later on… About two, three times she radioed down and said she’s fine, enjoying, and machine is flying fine, nothing happened.

And later on, when she went higher, they didn’t see her anymore, and she didn’t radio down anymore. They kept calling her, but she didn’t answer. And then suddenly it came down – vooop! The helicopter dropped right in front of them. Luckily, the lady was still alive and came crawling back out. They said, “What happened? Why didn’t you radio us?” She said, “Well, I went up very high. I was enjoying, and I was going to call you, but it was too hot; I turned off the fan.” It was too cold! Sorry, it was too cold. Because she went up very, very high, and it was too cold up there, so she “turned off the fan,” she said. So that was the last joke that I laughed about on that airplane, the circling airplane. And then they said, “Oh, we can come down now.” Everybody was very happy, but I said, “Continue praying; it’s OK – until we land. OK?” So that was it.

Why did we talk so much about this stuff? Why, why? (Your journey. Because of Your trip?) My trip? Because of my journey? OK, never mind, whatever. It’s not important, it’s gone, it’s behind me. But that was a very, very… Truly, somebody didn’t want me to come here to see you. Even on the last trip, they played a joke on me. I said to the guy, “OK, if somewhere near Klagenfurt, the nearest, then you tell me. The nearest, but has a connection to Klagenfurt. You tell me.” He said, “OK, I know it. I’ll check everything, and I’ll wake You up on time. But if there is no train connection nearby, then I won’t wake You up until we get to Munich. And then You take another train and then another train and another train then.” I said OK. And then he never woke me up.

In the morning, he came, “Sunshine, hallo! You’re fine, yes. Have a good sleep?” I said, “Yes, thank you. How about my train? Is there any news?” Because I didn’t know anything, I just stepped on the train. I didn’t know which connection, and I didn’t know how. The next one I didn’t even know, so I relied on them to check for me. He said, “Oh, last night I checked. There is a train from so-and-so place to Klagenfurt, direct.” “Why didn’t you tell me then?” “Well, then You’d have to wait like a couple of hours. I thought it was not worth it, so I let You go.” All the way to München (Munich) is even further than that – even three, four more hours. And he didn’t want me to wait two hours on a platform, you know, a train station, walking up and down. I said, “I don’t have to walk up and down. I can go to a coffee shop or go dancing and come back. It’s nearer, more direct, and then I don’t have to change four more trains.” But he said, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t think that far.” He thought only this far. Oh, my goodness.

And then, when we were going to München (Munich), I said, “But in between times, there may be another station somewhere that has a direct connection with Klagenfurt. Or maybe in München (Munich) even, a direct connection.” Because there, he would tell me of two or three more trains to change. And I walked with my high heels, you know… I didn’t know there would be so much trouble. But then he didn’t tell me anything. When we got to München (Munich), he said, “Here. Here’s Your train timetable. You go here to here, and then You change to here, to there, and then there, You change to there. And there You change to there, and then You get to Klagenfurt.” And then, OK, go buy a ticket. Because I already told him, if there’s a direct train, he should tell me, buy a ticket, go on there.

And he took me onto the train. He even helped me to bring my luggage. I didn’t have much luggage, only a bag, but he helped me to bring – a handbag, about this size. He helped me bring it because I was good, you know, paid full price and gave a tip and all that. So he helped me to bring my luggage to the train. OK. And what happened? He seated me in first class. He said, “Here, it’s very good for You. You sit here.” Fine. “And they will come, and You pay. You don’t have to go anywhere, and they will show You where to change the next time.” I sat there, then the train almost began going, and he told me, “You know, there’s a direct train to Klagenfurt, but…” from there, you know, from München (Munich), “but it takes another two hours. So I want You to go on this train.”

Again, that guy. You know this is men’s stuff – they decide for you. They don’t even ask your opinion. They don’t learn. Last time, I already told him; this time, he didn’t learn also. He said, “But this is quicker.” It’s also fine, but what if I could not make it? Between the trains is only 10 minutes sometimes. (Yes.) And I’m lost – new places, and I don’t know where to go, and sometimes people don’t even talk to you or don’t tell you. I made it, but I had to run like the best runner in the Olympic games. What’s his name? I think if I run with him, he will lose for sure. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t know what it’s like when I lose one airplane and run to another to catch on time. And then run again and run again, and run to the train between the platforms – he doesn’t know that. That’s the secret of a marathon.

OK, what now? So did you walk around a little bit? (Yes.) You don’t have to, but whoever likes to go, go. Just don’t go too much in the same direction, same place, or don’t group together for photos. “Look!” You know, “Cheese!” And don’t need to bring this (ID card) around; just put it inside if you go out. Here it is fine. Actually, just for the beginning, first time. After maybe… people will understand more, and then it’s fine. Then it’ll be OK if you behave yourselves. It’s alright, nothing really. I just don’t want to disturb people too much. You don’t want to make a lot of noise, no? OK then! It’s cool, eh? Not too bad. (Yes.)

So you want to go in to pray, or you want to walk around a little bit until 8 o’clock? It’s fine. You’re free until 8. It’s good, or you want to go immediately? You want to be free, like walk around a little bit in the cool? Go swimming? No? (No.) Too cold? (No, just stay here. It’s OK.) It’s OK? So what’s the use of living near the lake? The warmest lake in Austria. The cleanest lake. You prefer to be near the ocean, huh? (Yes. It’s fine here.) Near the sea. Austria, they don’t… (Together, we sit.) Oh, OK, OK. Yeah, but you can’t really sit here all day. I mean… You come here, enjoy a little bit, be normal, you know, like a tourist.

And if later, we need a bigger place, then we’ll see. Right now, we’re OK, right? (Yes.) We shouldn’t be too greedy. Better to have a lot of people, warm and just enough room than big, many rooms, empty and nobody comes – like many churches or temples. So big! Remember the one in Duisburg nearby? (Yes.) Oh, so empty, empty. Now and again, there comes a wedding party, that’s it. Is that what a church is made for? Wonderful. And we sit together in a smaller room. But after I die, there will be big churches everywhere, I’m telling you. The same every time.

When the Buddha was alive, He didn’t even have a big temple. Maybe one or two, by disciples built, but not just empty, tired temples everywhere. And when (Lord) Jesus was alive, He didn’t even have shoes. He had to hide everywhere, all the time. He worried people would catch Him. He could not even stay in one place sometimes. He said, “The Son of God doesn’t have anywhere to lay His head.” And then, after He died, look at how many churches we have. Empty; some are empty, some big and empty. Cost a lot of money. Oh, if they don’t need it they could give it to us. Sharing is believing, no? We’d repair it. We’d pay for electricity, water, and food, and we’d repair. That’s the best way to use a church, right? Go and pray to God, meditate for mankind.

But of course, we shall be patient. We can’t talk to the world – not really, still not yet. The mind, no; the soul, yes. The souls, they understand. The mind, no. It’s a very bad thing, the mind. The mind makes a lot of trouble. (Maybe, in time, You could tell us where we could build those churches, now.…) I don’t know where. As long as the people can gather together, I don’t care. I don’t need churches. Actually, just need people to leave us in peace, that’s all. I can pay for a church, I can pay for a place, it’s just so… Just leave us, that’s all. We don’t even need anything. We don’t need a luxury place or… Just decent, clean, and next to the sea, if possible.

Photo Caption: The Soul Can Always Resurrect, Just Make Sure in the Right Direction!

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Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples